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English 3
Ensure that the AC power supply in your house complies with the identifi cation sticker located on the back
of your product.
Install your product horizontally, on a suitable base (furniture), with enough space around it for ventilation
Do not place the product on amplifi ers or other equipment which may become hot.
Make sure the ventilation slots are not covered.
Do not stack anything on top of the product.
Before moving the product, ensure the Disc Insert Hole is empty.
To disconnect the product completely from the power supply, remove the mains plug from the wall outlet.
- If you leave the product unused for a long period of time, disconnect the plug from the wall outlet.
During thunderstorms, disconnect the AC plug from the wall outlet. Voltage peaks due to lightning could
damage the product.
Do not expose the product to direct sunlight or other heat sources. This could lead to overheating and
malfunction of the product.
Protect the product from moisture, excess heat, and equipment creating strong magnetic or electric fi elds
(i.e. speakers.).
Disconnect the power cable from the AC supply if the product malfunctions.
Your product is not intended for industrial use. Use of this product is for personal use only.
Condensation may occur if you store your product or a disc in cold temperatures. If transporting the
product during the winter, wait approximately 2 hours until the product has reached room temperature
before using.
The batteries used with this product contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
Do not dispose of batteries in the general household trash.
HT-D4200_ELS_1223.indd 3HT-D4200_ELS_1223.indd 3 2011-12-23  2:06:282011-12-23  2:06:28

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Samsung HT-D4200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 211 pagina's

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