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68 English
Compliance and Compatibility Notice
NOT ALL discs are compatible
Subject to the restrictions described below and those noted throughout this Manual, including the Disc
Type and Characteristics section of this user manual, disc types that can be played are: pre-recorded
commercial BD-ROM, DVD-VIDEO, and Audio CD (CD-DA) discs; BD-RE/-R, DVD-RW/-R discs; and
CD-RW/-R discs.
Discs other than the above cannot and/or is not intended to be played by this player. And some of the
above discs may not play due to one or more reasons provided below.
Samsung cannot assure that this player will play every disc bearing the BD-ROM, BD-RE/-R,
DVD-VIDEO, DVD-RW/-R, DVD+RW/+R and CD-RW/-R logos, and this player may not respond to
all operating commands or operate all features of every disc. These and other disc compatibility and
player operation issues with new and existing format discs are possible because:
Blu-ray is a new and evolving format and this player may not operate all features of Blu-ray Discs
because some features may be optional, additional features may have been added to the Blu-ray
Disc format after the production of this player, and certain available features may be subject to
delayed availability;
not all new and existing disc format versions are supported by this player;
new and existing disc formats may be revised, changed, updated, improved and/or supplemented;
some discs are produced in a manner that allows specific or limited operation and feature during
some features may be optional, additional features may have been added after the production of this
player or certain available features may be subject to delayed availability;
some discs bearing the BD-ROM, BD-RE/-R, DVD-VIDEO, DVD-RW/-R, DVD+RW/+R and
CD-RW/-R logos may still be non-standardized discs;
some discs may not be played depending on their physical state or recording conditions;
problems and errors can occur during the creation of Blu-ray Disc, DVD software and/or the
manufacture of discs;
this player operates differently than a standard DVD player or other AV equipment; and/or
for reasons noted throughout this user manual and for other reason(s) discovered and posted by
SAMSUNG customer care centre.
If you encounter disc compatibility or player operation problems, please contact SAMSUNG customer
care centre.
You may also contact SAMSUNG customer care centre for possible updates on this player.
For additional information on playback restrictions and disc compatibility, refer to the Precautions,
Before Reading the user manual, Disc Types and Characteristics, and Before Playing sections of this
user manual.
Copy Protection
Because AACS (Advanced Access Content System) is approved as content protection system for
Blu-ray Disc format, similar to use of CSS (Content Scramble System) for DVD format, certain
restrictions are imposed on playback, analogue signal output, etc., of AACS protected contents.
The operation of this product and restrictions on this product may vary depending on your time of
purchase as those restrictions may be adopted and/or changed by AACS after the production of this
product. Furthermore, BD-ROM Mark and BD+ are additionally used as content protection system for
Blu-ray Disc format, which imposes certain restrictions including playback restrictions for BD-ROM
Mark and/or BD+ protected contents. To obtain additional information on AACS, BD-ROM Mark, BD+,
or this product, please contact SAMSUNG customer care centre.
01995J-BD-D5500-XN-ENG.indb 68 2011-02-26 오전 1:15:53

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