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English 5
02 Safety Information
Disc Storage & Management
Disc Handling
Disc Shape
Use discs with regular
shapes. If you use an irregular
disc (a disc with a special
shape), you can damage the player.
Holding discs
Avoid touching the surface of
a disc where data has been
Blu-ray Discs
Do not leave a Blu-ray Disc in the player for long
periods of time. Remove the Blu-ray Disc from
the player and store it in its case.
Be careful not to scratch or leave fingerprints on
the surface of the Blu-ray Disc.
Wipe off dirt or contamination on the disc with a
soft cloth.
Disc Storage
Be careful not to damage the disc because the
data on these discs is highly vulnerable to the
Do not keep under direct sunlight.
Keep in a cool ventilated area.
Store vertically.
Keep in a clean protection jacket.
If you move your player suddenly from a cold
place to a warm place, condensation may occur
on the operating parts and lens and cause
abnormal disc playback. If this occurs, unplug
the player, wait for two hours, and then connect
the plug to the power outlet. Then, insert the
disc, and try to play back again.
Handling Cautions
Do not write on the printed side with a ball-point
pen or pencil.
Do not use record cleaning sprays or antistatic
sprays to clean discs. Also, do not use volatile
chemicals, such as benzene or thinner.
Do not apply labels or stickers to discs. (Do not
use discs fixed with exposed tape adhesive or
leftover peeled-off stickers.)
Do not use scratch-proof protectors or covers.
Do not use discs printed with label printers
available on the market.
Do not load warped or cracked discs.
Before connecting other components to this
player, be sure to turn them off.
Do not move the player while it is playing a disc.
The disc can be scratched or damaged and the
player’s internal parts can be damaged.
Do not put a flower vase filled with water or any
small metal objects on the player.
Be careful not to put your hand into the disc
Do not place anything other than the disc in the
disc tray.
Interference from exterior sources such as
lightening and static electricity can affect
the normal operation of this player. If this
occurs, turn the player off and on again with
the POWER button, or disconnect and then
reconnect the AC power cord to the AC power
outlet. The player will operate normally.
Be sure to remove the disc and turn off the
player after use.
Disconnect the AC power cord from the AC
outlet when you don’t intend to use the player
for long periods of time.
To clean a disc, wipe it in a straight
line from the inside to the outside of
the disc.
Do not expose the player to any
When the AC plug is connected to a wall outlet,
the player will still draw power (standby mode)
when it is turned off.
01995J-BD-D5500-XN-ENG.indb 5 2011-02-26 오전 1:15:37

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