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Safety Precautions
Congratulations on your purchase of this Samsung washing machine. These Owner's Instructions
contain valuable information on the installation, use, and care of this appliance. Please take the time to
read these instructions so that you can take full advantage of the washing machine's features and enjoy
this appliance for many years to come.
Before using the appliance
Packing materials can be dangerous to children; keep all packing material (plastic bags,
polystyrene, etc.) well out of the reach of children.
The appliance is designed for home use only.
Make sure that water and electrical connections are made by qualified technicians, observing the
manufacturer's instructions (see "Installing the Washing Machine") and local safety regulations.
All packaging and shipping bolts must be removed before the appliance is used. Serious damage
may occur if they are not removed. See "Removing the shipping bolts".
Before washing clothes for the first time, you must run a complete cycle without clothes. See
"Washing for the first time".
This product is designed for low water consumption and effective washing performance.
The water level during wash and rinse cycles will not be visible in the front viewing windows. This
is normal and does not indicate malfunction.
Please dispose of the package for this product in an environmentally friendly manner.
Safety instructions
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance, unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet or set
the (On/Off) button to Off.
Make sure that the pockets of all clothing to be washed are empty.
Hard, sharp objects, such as coins, safety pins, nails, screws, or stones can cause extensive damage
to the appliance.
Always unplug the appliance and turn off the water after use.
Before you open the door of the appliance, check that the water has drained. Do not open the door
if you can still see water.
Pets and small children may climb into the appliance. Check the appliance before each use.
The glass door becomes very hot during the washing cycle. Keep children away from the
appliance while it is in use.
Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs made by inexperienced or unqualified
persons may cause injury and/or make more serious repairs to the appliance necessary.
If the plug (power supply cord) is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service
agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
This appliance should only be serviced by an authorized service center, and only genuine spare
parts should be used.
This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons unless they have been
adequately supervised by a responsible person to ensure that they can use the appliance safely.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
If this appliance is supplied from a cord extension set or an electrical portable outlet device, the
cord extension set or electrical portable outlet device must be positioned so that it is not subject to
splashing or ingress of moisture. Additionally, the cord extension set or electrical portable out let
device must be of a current rating suitable for the appliance.
Do not use processed water containing oil, cream or lotion, which is usually found in skin-care
shops or massage clinics.
- Otherwise this will cause the packing to be deformed, which causes a malfunction or water leak.
A stainless washing tube does not usually rust. However if some metal such as a hair pin is left in
the tube for an extended time, the tube could rust.
- Do not leave water or bleach containing chlorine in the tube for an extended period of time.
- Do not regularly use or leave water containing iron in the tube for an extended period of time.
If rust starts appearing on the surface of the tube, apply a cleansing agent (neutral) to the surface
and use a sponge or soft cloth to clean it. (Under no circumstances use a metal brush)
This appliance has to be connected to the plug endurable to proper power consumption.
This appliance has to be positioned so that the plug is accessible after installation.
For washing machines with ventilation openings in the base, that a carpet must not obstruct the
Use the new hose-sets and old hose-sets should not be reused.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung B1245

Samsung B1245 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

Samsung B1245 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Samsung B1245 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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