Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Using the APPS Service
64 Installing and running an app
65 Managing purchased or installed apps
66 Rating apps
Using the Gallery App
Using the Universal Guide App
Using the SmartThings App
Using the e-Manual
70 Launching the e-Manual
71 Using the buttons in the e-Manual
Using the Internet
Playing pictures/video/music
73 Playing media content
Using Bixby
75 Running Bixby
76 Learning about My Bixby
77 Read Before Using Bixby
TV Viewing
Viewing Broadcast Information at a Glance
78 Using the guide
Recording Programs
80 Recording programs
81 Managing the schedule recording list
81 Viewing recorded programs
82 Setting up a schedule recording start
Setting Up a Schedule Viewing
82 Setting up a schedule viewing for a channel
83 Editing a scheduled viewing
Using Timeshift
Buttons and functions available while recording a program or
Using the Channel List
Editing channels
87 Re-registering and deleting a channel
87 Changing a channel name
88 Using Program Rating Lock
Remote Control and Peripherals
About the Samsung Smart Remote (QLED TV)
About the Samsung Smart Remote (UHD TV)
About the Samsung Smart Remote (THE FRAME)
Connecting to the Samsung Smart Remote
Controlling External Devices with the Samsung Smart Remote
- Using the Universal Remote
Using Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC)
46 Connecting an external device through Anynet+ and using
their menus
Controlling the TV with a Keyboard or Mouse
47 Connecting a USB keyboard or mouse
47 Connecting a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse
47 Using the keyboard and mouse
48 Setting up the input devices
Entering Text using the On-Screen Virtual Keyboard
50 Entering Text using the remote control's microphone and the
on-screen virtual keyboard
Smart Features
Smart Hub
52 Displaying the Home Screen
55 Launching Smart Hub automatically
56 Launching the last used app automatically
56 Testing Smart Hub connections
56 Resetting Smart Hub
Using a Samsung account
56 Creating and managing your Samsung account
57 Signing in to a Samsung account
Using the Ambient Mode
60 Screen states related to Ambient Mode
61 Changing the content and settings for Ambient Mode

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