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Dear customer,
Thank you for purchasing a Sagemcom device, we appreciate your trust in us.
This product was manufactured with the utmost care, should you encounter difficulties during its use we
recommend that you refer to this user guide. You can also find information on the following site:
For your comfort and safety, we ask that you read the following section carefully:
Sagemcom RL303 is a convenient GSM device that will enable you to make and receive call with a usual Fixed
Telephone over the GSM Wireless Network. Plugging your Telephone on the RL303 will allow you to send and
receive Voice call and check your Voicemail status.
Recommendations and safety instructions
Your RL303 must not be installed in a humid room (wash-up room, bathroom, laundry room,
kitchen, etc.) unless it is 1.50 m away from a water point or outside. The device must be operated
at temperatures ranging from 5°C and 45°C. To avoid the risk of demagnetization please do not
store diskettes, credit cards or similar objects in the vicinity of the device.
The sole purpose of the device is to make telephone calls through the GSM radio networks. Use
of this device for any other purpose is prohibited and can be dangerous. Never use the device in
areas where radio transmission is prohibited.
Only use the supplied power adapter, connect it to the base socket according to the installation
instructions provided in this booklet and the indications on the identification label affixed to it
(voltage, current, electric network frequency). As a precaution, in case of danger, the mains
adapters act as a disconnecting mechanism for the 230V power supply. They should be placed
near the device and should be easily accessible. Do not switch on the device if any cable or the
device itself is damaged.
Please turn-off the device before you enter or remove the SIM card.
The internal antenna used for this transmitter must provide a separation distance if at least 20 cm
from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
transmitter. The device contains a radio transmitter which may affect the operation of safety or
medical electronic devices such as hearing aids or heart pacemakers. Your doctor can provide
you with further advice. In all cases, we ask that you respect the safety recommendations.
This equipment does not function in the case of an electric network shutdown: for emergency
calls, it is recommended to use a mobile phone or your landline during power cuts.
The RL303 is designed for being used with Sagemcom recommended Telephone. The device
may not work properly if used with any other telephone (Contact Sagemcom for more
Certain features and services are network dependent and may not be available in all areas;
additional terms, conditions and/or charges may apply. Contact your service provider for details.
The CE marking certifies that the product meets the essential requirements of Directive
1999/5/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council pertaining to microwave radio
equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment, for the safety and health of users, for
electromagnetic interference. Furthermore, it efficiently uses the frequency spectrum attributed to
ground and spatial communication to prevent damaging interference.
The declaration of compliance may be looked up on the www.sagemcom.com site "support"
section or can be obtained from the following address:
Sagemcom Broadband SAS
250, route de l'Empereur - 92848 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France
Before you begin
Make sure your package includes the following:
AC power supply User guideRL303 Base unit SIM card tray
1- Remove the SIM card tray from the RL303 by pressing the yellow button on the side of the device with a
sharp object.
- Introduce your SIM card on the tray as follow. Make sure it is on the right side / position.
- Push back the tray in the device until it is fully inserted (if the tray doesnt come in easily, dont force.
Remove it and try again).
2- Connect your telephone set to the RJ11 socket of the RL303 (A) with a RJ11/RJ11 cable (not provided
3- Plug the power supply cord into AC outlet and the other end into the power jack on the RL303 (B).
should switch on GREEN.
4- If a PIN code is needed (if no PIN code, go to step 5) :
- The 3 LED
will blink simultaneously and you will hear a repetitive high pitched signal on the
handset when you take the line.
- Enter PIN code.
To Enter the PIN code, pick up the handset and dial the PIN code number followed by ##.
The 3 LED stop blinking.
If an incorrect PIN code is entered three times in a row, your SIM card is blocked.
You must contact
your operator or your service provider.
5- Check coverage
- The signal strength is notified by the 3 LED
No coverage or SIM card wrongly inserted (check SIM card is correctly positioned on the tray and
that the tray is correctly inserted into the RL303 and reboot the device).
Bad coverage.
Medium coverage.
Good coverage.
Good coverage: install your RL303 as high as possible / as close of a window as possible.
/ Bad coverage: your RL303 is installed close to a metallic device / close to another radio
equipment / close to another telephone set or its cable.
User indication
Audio and Visual notifications are given to the user to determine the state of the RL303:
(*) depending on operator network
No new
Voicemail /
No new SMS (*)
No SIM card / SIM card wrongly inserted
/ SIM-Lock / No Network
Fast Intermittent low pitched tone in
handset (except for No Network)
ON Power ON Call Active
Good Signal: 3 LED
Med. signal : 2 LED
Poor signal : 1 LED
New Voicemail
received (*)
call forward
PIN code request (3xLED blink together)
Intermittent high pitched tone in handset
PUK code request (3xLED blink from bottom
to top)
Intermittent low pitched tone in handset
Calls and voicemail
Calling / Receiving a call
Make and receive call is very similar to your fixed line.
When your phone is ringing, just lift up the phone or press the call key as it would normally be with your
telephone; and speak.
If you want to dial a number, pick up the handset, type the number on the keypad (press the dial key if needed)
and wait for the call to be established.
Managing 2 calls (Using the flash key R of your Telephone)
Taking a second call while you are already on line
During a call, a beep is emitted by your operator to inform you that a second call is on hold. Press key RR then
key 22 to take back this new call.
Your first contact is put on hold and you can talk with the second caller.
Making a second call while you already on line
During a conversation, press key RR then dial the number to be called.
The call in process is then put on hold and you can take the second call.
Switching from one call to the other
To switch from one call to the other, press key RR then key 22.
The call in process is then put on hold and you can take the second call back.
Ending one of the two calls
To end one call and continue with the other, press key RR then key 11.
The call in process is then ended and you take the second call back.
To set up a 3-way conference (the 2 calls and yourself)
During a conversation, press key RR then key 33.
You can then talk with the 2 contacts at the same time.
To end the 3-way conference, simply hang up.
If someone let you a message on your voicemail or send you a SMS (*), the LED will blink.
Simply dial your voicemail number provided by your operator to consult your voicemail box.
LED will then stop blinking.
(*) depending on Operator Network
LU_253481113B_RL303 EN.fm Page 1 Vendredi, 15. février 2013 5:05 17

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sagemcom RL303

Sagemcom RL303 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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