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Dear customer,
Congratulations on buying your Sagemcom telephone and thank you for placing your
confidence in us. This device has been manufactured with the utmost care. If you
should have difficulties in operating it, we recommend that you consult this user
You can also find information on the following site:
To operate the device safely and easily, please read the section carefully
RRecommendations and safety instructions, page 10.
The CE label confirms that the product complies with the 1999/5/EC
regulations of the European Union Parliament regarding wireless systems
and telecommunications for user protection and for preventing
electromagnetic interference.
The declaration of compliance may be looked up on the
www.sagemcom.com website section «support» or can be obtained from
the following address:
Sagemcom Broadband SAS
250, route de l'Empereur - 92848 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France
Your pack
Make sure that the box contains the following items:
the telephone base,
the telephone set with its spiral cable,
a phone connection cord,
the user manual.
Your phone
The C96 is a compact, easy-to-use telephone. It will take up little space on your desk or
can be fixed to a wall.
2. Key: modify the duration of
the flash
3. Key: to change the listening
5.Numerical keypad.
6. Key: last number redial.
7. Key: Function button for
accessing additional services
(details from your telephone com-
8. Key: microphone on/off.
10.Wall mounting clip.
100 300
Installing the telephone
Connect the telephone cable
Under the base, click the end of the spiral telephone cable into its housing (2).
Click the end of the telephone line cable into its housing (1) and connect the other
end to the phone line.
Wall-mounting your telephone
The C96 telephone is designed to be connect to a SINGLE telephone
line before use.
To fix your telephone to the wall, you will need two screws and two
rawlplugs. These are not provided in the pack.
In standby mode: number of missed and/or received calls.
During a call: call counter.
Receiving a call: caller number.
(1). Telephone Line Cable Plug.
(2). Telephone Handset Plug.
Swivel the grip clip. This prevents the handset from falling off its base.
Mark the wall at the two fixture points.
Drill the wall at the marked points.
Insert rawlplugs into the holes if necessary. Insert the screws into the rawlplugs.
Fix the telephone to the wall, align the wall mounting slits with the screws in the
wall, then firmly push the telephone into position.
Place the telephone so that it holds securely and without danger.
Using your telephone
Receiving a call
The telephone rings. Pick up the handset from its base: you can talk to your caller.
At the end of the call, hang up the handset on its base. The telephone is ready to
receive a call.
Making a call
Pick up the handset from its base: you should hear the dial tone.
Dial the number of your correspondent using the numerical keypad.
The call counter is displayed on the screen.
At the end of the call, hang up the handset on its base.
Redialing a number
Pick up the handset from its base: you should hear the dial tone.
Press button , the last number called is redialed automatically.
If the number is "private", the screen displays "-------",
If you are not in the same zone as the caller the screen displays
Position 2 (Low volume).
Wall mounting slots.
Position 1
(High volume).
Ring tone volume setting switch.
Managing calls (depending on the operator)
Receiving a second call while you are already on line
During a call, a sound beep is sent by your operator to inform you that a second call
is waiting.
Press the key, then the key to take this new call.
Your first caller is placed on hold and you can speak to the second caller.
Making a second call while you are already on line
During a call, press the key and dial the number to call.
The ongoing call is placed on hold and you can talk to the second person you called.
Switching from one call to the other
To switch from one call to the other press the key and then the key.
The ongoing call is placed on hold and you can resume the second call.
Ending one of the two calls
To hang up one call and continue the other press the , key, and then the
The current call is hung up and the other call comes back on line.
To hold a three-way conference (2 calls and yourself)
During the call, press the key and then the key.
You can now speak to both callers at the same time.
To end the three-way conference, hang up the phone.
Mute mode
During a call you can switch to mute mode: the microphone of your telephone is
turned off. The other party can no longer hear you.
TTo switch to Mute mode: During a call, press the key. The other party can
no longer hear you.
TTo switch off Mute mode: press the key again. The other party can hear
you again.
Modify the duration of the flash ("R" Key)
If your phone is connected to a private exchange, or if you have a second call service
(operator service), you may need to change the duration of the flash which is set at
100 milliseconds by default (refer to
Your phone, page 2).
1100 ms : Use a pin to place the cursor at the position.
3300 ms : Use a pin to place the cursor at the position.
Adjusting the ring tone volume
The cursor is adjusted using the switch on the underside of the base (refer to
Installing the telephone, page 3).
PPosition 1 : the ring tone volume is high.
PPosition 2 : the ring tone volume is low.
Changing the listening volume
During a call you can change the listening volume using the key (refer to
phone, page 2).
PPosition 1 : the volume level is normal.
PPosition 2 : the volume level is high.
Support format FSK / DTMF
Dialling type Voice frequencies
Relative humidity (maximum) -5°C to 55°C 20% to 75%
Storage temperature -10°C to +60°C
Dimensions (l x w x h)
- Handset : 210 x 45 x 39 mm
- Base : 215 x 67 x 50 mm
- Handset : 150 g
- Base : 180 g
If you use the product in Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy,
Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Hungary,
Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, the flash
must be set to 100ms.
If you use the product in Germany, France, Greece, Portugal,
Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia the flash must be
set to 300ms.
100 300
100 300
Dépliant_C96 EN_5pages.fm Page 1 Lundi, 4. juin 2012 1:58 13

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sagemcom C96

Sagemcom C96 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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