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To provide cleaner air, all gasolines in the United States
are now required to contain additives that will help
prevent engine and fuel system deposits from forming,
allowing your emission control system to work
properly. In most cases, you should not have to add
anything to your fuel. However, some gasolines contain
only the minimum amount of additive required to
meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
We recommend that you buy gasolines that are
advertised to help keep fuel injectors and intake valves
clean. If your vehicle experiences problems due to
dirty injectors or valves, try a different brand of gasoline.
Also, your dealer has additives that will help correct
and prevent most deposit-related problems.
Gasolines containing oxygenates, such as ethers and
ethanol, and reformulated gasolines may be available in
your area to contribute to clean air. We recommend
that you use these gasolines, particularly if they comply
with the specifications described earlier.
Notice: Your vehicle was not designed for fuel that
contains methanol. Do not use fuel containing
methanol. It can corrode metal parts in your fuel
system and also damage the plastic and rubber
parts. That damage would not be covered under
your warranty.
Some gasolines that are not reformulated for low
emissions may contain an octane-enhancing additive
called methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
(MMT); ask the attendant where you buy gasoline
whether the fuel contains MMT. We do not recommend
the use of such gasolines. Fuels containing MMT
can reduce the life of spark plugs and the performance
of the emission control system may be affected.
The malfunction indicator lamp may turn on. If this
occurs, return to your authorized dealer for service.
Fuels in Foreign Countries
If you plan on driving in another country outside the
United States or Canada, the proper fuel may be hard
to find. Never use leaded gasoline or any other fuel
not recommended in the previous text on fuel.
Costly repairs caused by use of improper fuel would
not be covered by your warranty.
To check the fuel availability, ask an auto club,
or contact a major oil company that does business
in the country where you will be driving.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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