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Towing Your Vehicle
Consult your dealer or a professional towing service if
you need to have your disabled vehicle towed.
See Roadside Assistance Program on page 7-4.
If you want to tow your vehicle behind another vehicle
for recreational purposes (such as behind a motorhome),
see “Recreational Vehicle Towing” following.
Recreational Vehicle Towing
Recreational vehicle towing means towing your vehicle
behind another vehicle — such as behind a motorhome.
The two most common types of recreational vehicle
towing are known as “dinghy towing” (towing your vehicle
with all four wheels on the ground) and “dolly towing”
(towing your vehicle with two wheels on the ground and
two wheels up on a device known as a “dolly”).
Your vehicle was not designed to be towed with any of
its wheels on the ground. If your vehicle must be
towed, see “Towing Your Vehicle” earlier in this section.
Notice: Towing an all-wheel-drive vehicle with all
four wheels on the ground, or even with only two of
its wheels on the ground, will damage drivetrain
components. Do not tow an all-wheel-drive vehicle if
any of its wheels will be on the ground.
Electronically Controlled Air
Suspension System
Your vehicle is equipped with an electronically controlled
air suspension system that automatically keeps your
vehicle level as you load and unload. The system
includes a compressor, two height sensors, and two air
springs supporting the rear axle.
The system also has an internal clock to prevent
overheating. If the system overheats, all leveling function
stops until the system cools down. During this time, the
indicator light on the air inflator system will be flashing.
The ignition has to be on for the system to inflate, in
order to raise the vehicle to the standard ride height
after loading. The system can lower the vehicle to the
standard ride height after unloading with the ignition
on and also for up to 30 minutes after the ignition has
been turned off.
You may hear the compressor operating when you load
your vehicle, and periodically as the system adjusts
the vehicle to the standard ride height.
Load leveling will not function normally with the inflator
hose attached to the inflator outlet. Remove the inflator
hose from the outlet during loading and unloading.
If the vehicle is parked for an extended period of time,
some bleed down of the suspension is normal. Upon
starting the vehicle, proper height will be achieved.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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