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The RSE system includes two sets of wireless
Each set of headphones has an ON/OFF control.
An indicator light will illuminate on the headphones
when they are on. If the light does not illuminate, the
batteries may need to be replaced. See “Battery
Replacement” following for more information.
Each set of headphones has a volume knob.
To adjust the volume, adjust this knob.
The transmitters are located below the video display
screen. The headphones will shut off automatically
if they lose the signal from the system after about four
minutes to save battery power. The signal may be lost if
the system is turned off or if the headphones are out
of range of the transmitters.
When using the wired headphones, if the front seat
passengers play a CD in the Radio with Six-Disc CD
(if equipped) or use XM™ Satellite Radio Service
(if equipped), you will hear the audio for these sources,
instead of the DVD or CD that is currently playing
through the RSE.
Notice: Do not store the headphones in heat or
direct sunlight. This could damage the headphones
and repairs would not be covered by your warranty.
Keep the headphones stored in a cool, dry place.
Battery Replacement
To change the batteries, do the following:
1. Loosen the screw on the battery compartment door
located on the left side of the headphone earpiece.
2. Replace the two AAA batteries in the compartment.
Make sure that they are installed correctly, using
the diagram on the inside of the battery
3. Tighten the screw to close the compartment door.
If the headphones are to be stored for a long period
of time, remove the batteries and keep them in a cool,
dry place.
Stereo RCA Jacks
The RCA jacks are located behind the video screen.
The RCA jacks allow audio and video signals to
be connected from an auxiliary device such as a
camcorder or a video game unit to the RSE system.
Standard RCA cables, not included, are needed
to connect the auxiliary device to the RCA jacks.
The yellow connector inputs video and the red and white
connectors input right and left audio. Refer to the
manufacturer’s instructions for proper connection of the
auxiliary device.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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