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Order of Play
Tracks will be played in the following order:
Play will begin from the first track in the first playlist
and will continue sequentially through all tracks in
each playlist. When the last track of the last playlist
has been played, play will continue from the first
track of the first playlist.
If the CD does not contain any playlists, then play
will begin from the first track under the root
directory. When all tracks from the root directory
have been played, play will continue from files
according to their numerical listing. After playing the
last track from the last folder, play will begin
again at the first track of the first folder or root
When play enters a new folder, the display will not
automatically show the new folder name unless
you have chosen the folder mode as the default display.
See DISP later in this section for more information.
The new track name will appear on the display.
File System and Naming
The song name that will be displayed will be the song
name that is contained in the ID3 tag. If the song name is
not present in the ID3 tag, then the radio will display the
file name without the extension (such as .mp3) as the
track name.
Track names longer than 32 characters or four pages
will be shortened. The display will not show parts
of words on the last page of text and the extension of
the file name will not be displayed.
Preprogrammed Playlists
You can access preprogrammed playlists which were
created by WinAmp™, MusicMatch™, or Real
Jukebox™ software, however, you will not have editing
capability. These playlists will be treated as special
folders containing compressed audio song files.
Playing an MP3
Insert a CD partway into the slot, label side up. The
player will pull it in, and READING will appear on
the display. The CD should begin playing and the CD
symbol will appear on the display. If you want to insert a
CD with the ignition off, first press the eject button or
the DISP knob.
If the ignition or radio is turned off with a CD in the
player it will stay in the player. When the ignition or radio
is turned on, the CD will start to play where it stopped,
if it was the last selected audio source.
As each new track starts to play, the track number will
appear on the display.
The CD player can play the smaller 3 inch (8 cm) single
CDs with an adapter ring. Full-size CDs and the
smaller CDs are loaded in the same manner.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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