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You can also reset the TRIP A or TRIP B while they are
displayed by pressing the trip stem. If you press and
hold the trip stem or the select button for four seconds,
the display will show the distance traveled since the
last ignition cycle for TRIP A or TRIP B.
Timer: The DIC can be used as a timer. Press the
select button while TIMER is displayed to start the timer.
The display will show the amount of time that has
passed since the timer was last reset, not including time
the ignition is off. Time will continue to be counted as
long as the ignition is on, even if another display is being
shown on the DIC. The timer will record up to 99 hours,
59 minutes, and 59 seconds (99:59:59), after which
the display will roll back to zero.
To stop the counting of time, press the select button
briefly while TIMER is displayed.
To reset the timer to zero, press and hold the select
button while TIMER is displayed.
Customization Button
(Customization): Press this button to access the
VEHICLE SETTINGS menu and customize the settings
to your vehicle. See DIC Vehicle Customization on
page 3-50 for more information.
Select Button
(Select): Press this button to reset certain DIC
functions, turn off or acknowledge messages on the DIC
display, and set your customization settings. For
example, this button will allow you to reset the trip
odometers, turn off the FUEL LEVEL LOW message,
and scroll through and select the desired language
information is displayed in the DIC.
DIC Warnings and Messages
Messages are displayed on the DIC to notify the driver
that the status of the vehicle has changed and that
some action may be needed by the driver to correct the
condition. More than one message may appear at
one time. They will appear one after the other. Some
messages may not require immediate action but
you should press the trip stem on the instrument panel
cluster or any of the DIC buttons to acknowledge
that you received the message and clear it from the
display. Some messages cannot be cleared from
the display because they are more urgent. These
messages require action before they can be removed
from the DIC display. The following are the possible
messages that can be displayed and some information
about them.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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