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Manual Operation
To change the current setting, select one of the
w9x (Fan): This button allows you to manually
adjust the fan speed. Press the up arrow to increase fan
speed and the down arrow to decrease fan speed. The
display will change to show you the selected fan speed
and the driver’s side temperature setting for five seconds.
C (Mode): Press this button to manually change the
direction of the airflow in your vehicle. Keep pressing the
button until the desired mode appears on the display.
The display will change to show you the selected
air delivery mode and the driver’s temperature setting
for five seconds.
H(Vent): This mode directs air to the instrument
panel outlets.
)(Bi-Level): This mode directs approximately half of
the air to the instrument panel outlets, then directs
the remaining air to the floor outlets. A little air is
directed toward the windshield and the side window
outlets. Cooler air is directed to the upper outlets and
warmer air to the floor outlets.
6(Floor): This mode directs most of the air to the
floor outlets. Some air also comes out of the defroster
and side window outlets. The recirculation button cannot
be selected in floor mode.
@ (Recirculation): Press this button to turn
recirculation mode on or off. When this button is pressed,
an indicator light in the button will also come on to let you
know that it is activated. Recirculation mode is used to
recirculate the air inside of your vehicle. Use this mode to
help prevent outside odors and/or dust from entering your
vehicle or to help cool the air inside of your vehicle more
quickly. Recirculation mode can be used with vent and
bi-level modes, but it cannot be used with floor, defog or
defrost modes. Defog and defrost modes are described
later in this section.
If recirculation mode is selected with floor, defog, or
defrost modes, the indicator will flash three times and
then turn off indicating the selection is not available.
You may also notice that the air conditioning compressor
will run while in recirculation mode. This is normal and will
help to prevent fogging.
If the weather is cold and damp, the system may cause
the windows to fog while using recirculation mode. If the
windows do start to fog, select defog or defrost mode.
Recirculation mode, if selected, will be cleared when the
engine is turned off.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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