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Battery Run-Down Protection
This feature shuts off the dome, courtesy and vanity
lamps if they are left on for more than 10 minutes when
the ignition is off. This will keep your battery from
running down.
If the battery run-down protection shuts off the interior
lamps, it may be necessary to do one of the following to
return to normal operation:
Shut off all lamps and close all doors.
Turn the ignition key to RUN.
This feature will also turn off the parking lamps and
headlamps under most conditions, if they are left on.
To turn them back on, turn the exterior lamps knob.
After turning them back on, the lights will not turn
off again unless the vehicle has been started.
Accessory Power Outlets
With the accessory power outlets, you can plug in
auxiliary electrical equipment such as a cellular
telephone or CB radio.
The outlet can accept electrical equipment rated at a
maximum of 20 Amps.
There are two outlets to the right of the cupholder on
the floor console.
To use the outlet, remove the cover. Replace the cover
when not in use.
Certain electrical accessories may not be compatible
with the accessory power outlet and could result
in blown vehicle or adaptor fuses. If you experience a
problem, see your dealer for additional information
on the accessory power outlets.
Notice: Adding any electrical equipment to your
vehicle may damage it or keep other components
from working as they should. The repairs would not
be covered by your warranty. Do not use equipment
exceeding maximum amperage rating. Check
with your dealer before adding electrical equipment.
When adding electrical equipment, be sure to follow
the proper installation instructions included with
the equipment.
Notice: Improper use of the power outlet can cause
damage not covered by your warranty. Do not
hang any type of accessory or accessory bracket
from the plug because the power outlets are
designed for accessory power plugs only.
2005 - Saab 97X Owner Manual

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