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WARNING:-The co-axial cable is sealed into the stem
of the transducer and if damaged in any way cannot be reconnected.
Do not shorten or cut
the transducer lead (nominal length 24 feet or 7.3 metres) or extend it by means of co-axial
plugs or any other method.
Any excess cable should be coiled away from excessive heat and
interference from engines or generators.
Transducers with longer cable can be supplied to
special order.
For full depth performance the transducer stem should be mounted as near to 90' from the
horizontal as possible.
Install the transducer in a part of the hull which is as clear as. possible
from aerated or turbulent water and where accidental damage is unlikely to occur.
a position slightly aft of amidships is preferable.For fin-keel sailing boats it may be
preferable to fully recess the transducer into the stem so that the face is completely flush.
It should be remembered that the angle of sound wave radiation is 45' and so care should be
taken that a false echo is not created by one of the fin keels. If a single transducer is installed
on the centre line of a boat, depth readings will be obtained up to a heel angle of 22#°. If
two transducers are required, to avoid fin-keels for instance, then each should be fitted in
opposite bilges facing outward at an angle of approximately 15°.
By using an automatic
change-over switch, readily available from the manufactures, a twin transducer installation
will enable the Seafarer 3 to give accurate depth readings to heel angle of 37}°.
The following illustration indicates typical transducer installations using a wooden fairing
block outside the hull that has been carefully bored, carved and sanded to a streamline shape
thus avoiding the creation of turbulent water which may reduce or even prevent depth
ndication when under way. In one of the examples shown, an internal fairing block has been
used for strength, sealing and to allow for hull curvature.
The installation should he carefully
rendered watertight by using a sealing compound between all mating surfaces.
Do not over-
tighten the nuts on the transducer stem.
Do Not Shorten
Cable Length
Water Line
Stem Fitting
Level Fitting to Avoid
Water Turbulence
1 d [lia.
The water exposed face of the transducer may be painted with one thin coat of hard racing
copper, carefully applied so that the paint does not form or trap air bubbles.
Take care not
to damage the transducer face or the lead zirconate crystal that it protects.
Accidental damage
to this sealed unit cannot be repaired.
Within hull transducer installation.
As an alternative to mounting the transducer with the face in direct contact with water, it
may be mounted within a glassfibre hull. If this method is chosen it must be accepted that
there will be some reduction in the depth reading capability of the instrument, dependant
upon the quality and thickness of the hull.
In the United Kingdom the following parts are readily available from Builders merchants,
Chandlers and model shops. (Alternatively a complete kit of parts, excluding the transducer,
may be obtained from Electronic Laboratories (Marine) Ltd. or from one of their stockists).
Parts required.
It is important that transducer housing tube be made from ABS material and not
Polypropylene or Polythene.
Quantity 1, tube type Z.74 If" 1 /D x Ift. long. (Made by Osma Plastics under the trade

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