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Read the instructions, keep them safe, pass them on if you pass the appliance on. Remove all packaging
before use.
Follow basic safety precautions, including:
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and
persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been supervised/instructed and
understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be done by children unless they are
older than 8 and supervised. Keep the appliance and cable out of reach of
children under 8 years.
If the cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service
agent, or someone similarly qualified, to avoid hazard.
Never immerse the base unit or power cord and plug in water or any other
The surfaces of the appliance will get hot.
Don’t put frozen meat or poultry in the appliance – defrost fully before use.
Cook meat, poultry, and derivatives (mince, burgers, etc.) till the juices run clear. Cook fish till the
flesh is opaque throughout.
Don’t try to cook anything in the body of the cooker – cook only in the removable bowl.
Don’t cover the appliance or put anything on top of it.
Unplug the appliance when not in use.
Don’t use accessories or attachments other than those we supply.
Don’t use the appliance for any purpose other than those described in these instructions.
Don’t use the appliance if it’s damaged or malfunctions.
Wash the lid, steaming basket, bowl and measuing cup in warm soapy water, rinse and dry.
1. Sit the appliance on a stable, level, heat-resistant surface, near a power socket.
2. Don’t use the appliance near or below curtains, shelves, cupboards, or anything else likely to be
damaged by the escaping steam.
3. Have oven gloves (or a cloth) to hand, and a heat-resistant mat or dinner plate to put the bowl on
after cooking.
4. Plug the unit in to a supply socket.
1. Put the bowl inside the base unit.
2. Add the rice first then the water to the cooking bowl. For white rice use the CUP markings inside the
bowl. For example, if you add 2 cups of rice, add water to the 2 CUP mark.
1. Lid
2. Steaming basket/strainer
3. Bowl
4. Base unit
5. Control panel
6. Power cord socket
7. Stirring arm
8. Measuring cup

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