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40 Put the rice bowl in the topmost basket. If you put rice underneath other foods, the
juices will alter the flavour of the rice, and the additional liquid may make it mushy.
41 Rice should take 15 to 20 minutes, depending on type, quantity, and personal taste.
42 We suggest you try it after 15 minutes, then cook for longer if necessary.
43 If you intend to steam for more than 60 minutes:
a) keep an eye on the water level and/or the timer, top up the reservoir with water at
about the half way mark, and reset the timer
b) set the timer for half the steaming time, then the bell will alert you to top up the
reservoir – then reset the timer
44 To top up, pour water slowly into the fill valve on the reservoir lid.
45 Don’t fill above max.
46 Don’t worry, we thought of this and fitted a thermal cut-out.
47 In the event of a boil-dry occurring, the cut-out will switch the steamer off.
48 Unplug the base unit, let it cool for a couple of minutes, then top it up and restart
the steamer.
49 When calculating the time needed, allow for the whole of the time already spent
steaming, and part of the time between running dry and restarting, as the cooking
process won’t have stopped immediately the reservoir ran dry.
50 If you watch the cooking process carefully, there’s no reason why the rescue
operation shouldn’t be 100% successful.
51 Unplug the steamer and let it cool down fully.
52 Wipe the base unit with a damp cloth.
53 Hand wash the removable parts.
` You may wash these parts in a dishwasher.
54 If you use a dishwasher, the harsh environment inside the dishwasher will affect the
surface finishes.
55 The damage should be cosmetic only, and should not affect the operation of the
56 Eventually, some foods will leave stains – don’t worry about them. If the stains won’t
come out, then they can’t affect the taste of your food.
57 For ease of storage, basket 1 fits inside basket 2, which fits inside basket 3.
58 Limescale may be white, coloured, even rusty-looking, but its normally visible.
59 Phosphate scale isn’t generally visible, but it’s there, even in soft water areas.
60 All scale causes overheating, reduces the heaters life, and may trigger the boil-dry
61 So, even with soft water, descale regularly (at least monthly), to help keep the
steamer in working order.
62 Make sure the kitchen is well ventilated, hot vinegar doesn’t smell nice.

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