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•Iron an old piece of cotton fabric, to clean the soleplate.
•Press the S and * buttons 3 or 4 times, to check them.
•If the iron is motionless, it will switch off after about 30 seconds with the soleplate down, or
about 8 minutes if its upright.
•The auto shut-off light will flash, and keep on flashing till you move the iron.
•To switch on again, lift it up, tilt it forward, then sit it upright to return to operating
•No settings are lost during auto shut-off.
1 Check for textile care symbols (i j k l).
2 Iron fabrics needing low temperatures j first, then those that need medium temperatures
k, and finish with those needing high temperatures l.
temperature setting guide
label marking temperature setting
j cool – nylon, acrylics, polyester
k warm – wool, polyester mixtures ••
l hot – cotton, linen •••/max
i do not iron
, If the instructions on the fabric label differ from this guide, follow the instructions on the
3 The iron may be used with tap-water, but if you live in a hard-water area, you should use
distilled water (not chemically descaled water).
4 If you buy distilled water, check that it is marketed as suitable for irons.
5 Don’t add anything to the water – you’ll damage the iron.
6 Unplug the appliance.
7 Open the water inlet cover.
8 Tilt the iron till the water inlet cover is vertical.
9 Pour water from the jug into the water inlet.
10 Pour slowly, to allow the air in the reservoir to escape, and avoid an airlock.
11 Don’t fill past the max mark on the reservoir, or water will escape in use.
12 Close the water inlet cover.
13 Wipe up any spillage.
14 Sit the iron on its heel.
15 Put the plug into the power socket.
a) The appliance will beep.
b) The display will flash, then go off.
c) The power light will glow as long as the appliance is connected to the electricity supply.
d) The auto shut-off light will flash untill you press a button.
16 Press any button. The display will show SILK .
17 Use the u and d buttons to set the temperature.
1 power light
2 auto shut-off light
3 display
4 water inlet cover
5 water inlet
6 spray nozzle
7 soleplate
8 steam vents
9 reservoir
10 heel
11 steam control

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