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sofa brush to remove pet hair, lint, and dust from upholstery,
and small, flat areas – don’t use it on curtains.
crevice tool for narrow spaces like the sides of upholstery.
11 The narrow end of one fits the wide end of the other, or any of
the tools, for floors, carpets, or hard to reach places.
12 Push the wide end of the tube on to the nozzle.
13 Move the suction control towards the nozzle to increase suction,
away from the nozzle, to reduce suction.
If you’ve accidentally pressed the on/off switch 3, the
cleaner may start up when you plug it in.
14 Plug the cable into a power socket (switch the socket on).
15 Press and release the on/off switch 3, to turn the cleaner on.
16 Move the tool over the surface, cleaning a small area at a time.
17 When you move to a new area, overlap the previous area.
18 Press and release the on/off switch 3, to turn the cleaner off.
19 Unplug the cleaner (switch the socket off first).
20 Press the carrying handle down ( C ) – the cable will rewind.
21 Keep clear of the cable as it rewinds. If it catches on anything,
stop pressing, and it’ll stop rewinding.
22 We’ve tried not to make it too powerful, to avoid wrecking your
home, so you may need to push the plug end in manually.
23 Its best to empty the bin after each use.
24 If the “bin full indicator, on top of the cleaner, shows red when
the nozzle is off the floor, empty the bin right away.
25 Switch off, unplug, and leave it for a minute, to let the dust settle.
26 Press in the lock on the hose end, and remove the hose.

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