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39 The pedal locks the cleaner and base together, for storage, or to use the tools.
40 To use the cleaner as an upright cleaner, press the pedal down with your toe, ease
the handle back, then take your toe off the pedal.
41 This lets you push the cleaner back and fore, to vacuum the floor.
42 To lock the cleaner and base together again, raise the handle to the
vertical position, then push it forward.
43 Press and release the switch with your toe, to turn the motor on.
44 If you’ve finished, if you want to change the brush height for a different
floor covering, if you want to change from using it upright to using the hose, or if
you just want to stop for a cup of tea, press and release the switch with your toe, to
turn the motor off.
45 Thats the rear of the cleaner dealt with – now for the front.
small brush and
extension tube
push the hose end over the thick end of the extension tube, then
push the thin end of the extension tube into the small brush – use it
to remove pet hair, lint, and dust from blinds, curtains, and
upholstery; to brush/clean awkward corners
set the floor type
46 Tilt the handle back, to raise the cleaner slightly from the floor, to make moving the
brush height control easier.
47 Set the brush height control to suit the floor covering – short, medium, or long pile.
48 For bare floors like vinyl, stone, parquet, or when using the tools, set the control to
long pile, to prevent the brush continually hitting the surface its sitting on.

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