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switching off
9 When the water boils the kettle will switch off and the light will go out.
10 To switch off manually, move the switch to 0.
11 Lifting the kettle off the stand will also switch the kettle off.
12 To avoid the risk of splashing, pour slowly and don’t over-tilt the kettle.
13 Don’t tilt the kettle backwards, water might get on to the control area. If this happens, let the
kettle dry before use – sit it somewhere warm for 12 hours.
14 When you lift the kettle, you may see moisture on the stand. Don’t worry – it’s the steam used
to switch off automatically, which then condenses and escapes via vents under the kettle.
15 You may see some discolouration on the floor of the kettle. Again, don’t worry – it’s due to
the bonding of the element to the kettle floor.
using with insufficient water
16 This will shorten the life of the element. A boil-dry cut-out will switch the kettle off.
17 To prevent the kettle cycling on and off, remove the kettle from the stand and let it cool
before replacing it on the stand.
care and maintenance
18 Check that the kettle is switched off – move the switch to 0.
19 Unplug the stand from the wall socket, and let the kettle cool down fully before cleaning.
20 Wipe the kettle, inside and out, with a damp cloth
21 Keep all connectors and sockets dry.
descale regularly
22 Descale regularly, (at least monthly. Use a descaler suitable for use in plastic products (most
products have plastic parts). Follow the instructions on the package of descaler.
, Products returned under guarantee with faults due to scale will be subject to a repair charge.
cleaning the filter
23 Switch the kettle off, and let it cool.
24 Open the lid.
25 Push the top of the filter down and back, into the kettle, to release the hooks on the top of
the filter from the rectangular holes on either side of the spout.
26 Lift the filter out of the kettle, to disengage the bottom hook from the circular hole at the
bottom of the spout.
27 Rinse the filter under a running tap while brushing with a soft brush.
28 Lower the filter into the kettle, and engage the bottom hook in the circular hole at the
bottom of the spout.
29 Press the top of the filter gently down and towards you, to force the hooks on the top of the
filter into the rectangular holes on either side of the spout.
30 Close the lid.
wheelie bin symbol
To avoid environmental and health problems due to hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic goods, appliances marked with this symbol mustn’t be
disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, but recovered, reused, or recycled.
1 hooks
2 filter
3 hook
4 holes (inside spout)
5 lid
6 lid release button
7 handle
8 light
9 switch
1 on
0 off
10 connectors
11 earth contact
12 stand

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