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warning keep clear, steam may escape from the lid.
4 Remove the kettle from the stand.
5 Press and release the lid knob – the lid will spring open.
6 Fill with at least 2 cups of water, but not above max.
7 If you overfill, the kettle may spit boiling water.
8 Close the lid, and press down to lock it.
9 Check the lid is closed, or the kettle won’t switch off when it boils.
switching on
10 Plug the stand into the wall socket.
11 Put the kettle on the stand – take care not to spill.
12 Move the switch to 1.
13 The lights inside the kettle will come on, and the kettle will heat up.
14 The water level windows will change colour as the water temperature rises.
switching off
15 When the water boils the kettle will switch off and the lights will go out.
16 To switch off manually, move the switch to 0.
17 Lifting the kettle off the stand will also switch the kettle off.
18 The water level windows will change colour as the water cools.
19 Remove the kettle from the stand before pouring.
20 To avoid the risk of splashing, pour slowly and don’t over-tilt the kettle.
21 Don’t tilt the kettle backwards, water might get on to the control area. If this
happens, let the kettle dry before use – sit it somewhere warm for 12 hours.
22 When you lift the kettle, you may see moisture on the stand. Don’t worry – its the
steam used to switch the kettle off, which then condenses and escapes via vents
under the kettle.
23 You may see some discolouration on the floor of the kettle. Again, don’t worry – its
due to the bonding of the element to the kettle floor.
using with insufficient water
24 This will shorten the life of the element.
25 A boil-dry cut-out will switch the kettle o.
26 To prevent the kettle cycling on and off, remove the kettle from the stand and let it
cool before replacing it on the stand.
27 Don’t fill the kettle till its cold, or it may spit.
care and maintenance
1 Check that the kettle is switched off – move the switch to 0.
2 Unplug the stand from the wall socket, and let the kettle cool before cleaning.
3 Wipe the kettle, inside and out, with a damp cloth. You may use a little household
detergent, but if you do, rinse well to avoid tainting the water.
4 Keep all connectors dry.
5 Don’t put the kettle or stand in any liquid.
6 Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.

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