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• Children from the age of 8 and persons not having the knowledge or
experience in operating the appliance or having handicaps of physical,
sensorial or mental nature must not operate the appliance without
supervision or instruction by a person, responsible for their safety.
Never leave the appliance unattended during operation.
• Children should be supervised in order to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
• Packing material like e. g. foil bags should be kept away from children.
• Prior to each use, check the appliance and the attachments for
soundness, it must not be operated if it has been dropped or
shows visible damage. In these cases, the power supply must be
disconnected and the appliance has to be checked by a specialist.
• When laying the power cord, make sure that no one can get entangled
or stumble over it in order to avoid that the appliance is pulled down
• Keep the power cord away from hot surfaces, sharp edges and
mechanical forces. Check the power cord regularly for damage and
deteriorations. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of an
electric shock.
• Only disconnect the unit by pulling the plug, not the power cord
• Never immerse the appliance, power cord and power plug in water for
• Do not store the appliance outside or in wet rooms.
• This electrical appliance complies with the relevant safety standards.
In case of signs of damage to the appliance or the power cord, unplug
the appliance immediately. Repairs may be affected by authorised
specialist shops only. Improper repairs may result in considerable
dangers for the user.
• Improper use and disregard of the instruction manual void all
warranty claims.
Safety advices on the usage of the appliance
• Place the appliance on a stable and even surface and do not operate it
in the vicinity of sources of heat (oven, gas flame etc.) or in explosive
environments where inflammable liquids or gases are located.
• During operation do not use any object to stir in the strainer and never
touch the running press cone. To avoid injuries it is imperative to keep
away your hair, hands and clothes from the running press cone. Never
touch the press cone directly with your hands.
• Do not at all operate this unit with an external timer or a separate
telecontrol system.
• Avoid any no-load operation and do not handle it with hands wet.

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