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Rockford Corporation offers a limited warranty on Rockford Fosgate products on the following terms:
Length of Warranty
Speakers, Signal Processors, PRIME and PUNCH Amplifiers – 1 Year
POWER Amplifiers – 2 Years
Any Factory Refurbished Product – 90 days (receipt required)
What is Covered
This warranty applies only to Rockford Fosgate products sold to consumers by Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealers in the United States of America or its
possessions. Product purchased by consumers from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer in another country are covered only by that country’s Distribu-
tor and not by Rockford Corporation.
Who is Covered
This warranty covers only the original purchaser of Rockford product purchased from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer in the United States. In order
to receive service, the purchaser must provide Rockford with a copy of the receipt stating the customer name, dealer name, product purchased and date of
Products found to be defective during the warranty period will be repaired or replaced (with a product deemed to be equivalent) at Rockford’s discretion.
What is Not Covered
1. Damage caused by accident, abuse, improper operations,water, theft, shipping.
2. Any cost or expense related to the removal or reinstallation of product.
3. Service performed by anyone other than Rockford or an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Service Center.
4. Any product which has had the serial number defaced, altered, or removed.
5. Subsequent damage to other components.
6. Any product purchased outside the U.S.
7. Any product not purchased from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer.
Limit on Implied Warranties
Any implied warranties including warranties of fitness for use and merchantability are limited in duration to the period of the express warranty set forth
above. Some states do not allow limitations on the length of an implied warranty, so this limitation may not apply. No person is authorized to assume for
Rockford Fosgate any other liability in connection with the sale of the product.
How to Obtain Service
Contact the Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer you purchased this product from. If you need further assistance, call 1-800-669-9899 for Rockford Cus-
tomer Service. You must obtain an RA# (Return Authorization number) to return any product to Rockford Fosgate. You are responsible for shipment of
product to Rockford.
EU Warranty
This product meets the current EU warranty requirements, see your Authorized dealer for details.

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