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This unit must not be exposed to moisture or rain.
Ensure all connections are properly made before operating the unit.
Do not expose this unit to direct sunlight or heat radiating sources.
Make sure all batteries are inserted according to the proper
polarity. Do not mix old batteries with new ones.
If the unit is not used for a long period of time (more than 1 month),
remove all batteries from their compartment to avoid possible leaking.
- +
- +
Personal Autoreverse Stereo Cassette Player with USB output to encode Audio
files via PC.
1. Play Button
2. Direction Selector
3. Continuous AR/Single AR
4. FF Button
5. REW Button
6. Stop Button
7. Volume Control
8. USB Output
9. Eadphone Output
10. Cassette Door OPEN
11. Battery Compartment
12. External DC-3V
Use with regular batteries
1. Open the battery compartment door, located on behind the cassette door of the unit, by
sliding the door and lift it up.
2. Insert 2 x 1.5V /UM-3/AA size alkaline batteries, following the correct polarity, as indicated
on the unit.
3. Close the battery compartment door.
Use with AC/DC adaptor (not included)
1. Insert the DC plug, at the end of the AC/DC adaptor cord, into the DC 3V INPUT socket
located on the side of the unit (12).
2. Connect the AC/DC adaptor into a 230V ~ 50Hz AC power outlet.
If the AC adaptor is connected when regular batteries are installed, the power supply
automatically switches to the AC power source.
Use only the recommended AC/DC adaptor. Using other types of adaptor may damage
the unit.
Make sure that the AC/DC adaptor matches with your household voltage before
connecting it into the wall outlet.
When not using AC power, disconnect the AC/DC adaptor from the wall outlet.
Do not touch the AC/DC adaptor with wet hands.
Connect the stereo earphones to the Phones jack (9) for private listening.
1. Press the STOP button.
2. Open the cassette compartment door.
3. Insert a recorded cassette with the exposed tape pacing cassette keys.
4. Close the cassette compartment door.
5. Connect the headphones.
6. Press the Play button to start playback.
7. Adjust the Volume control to your desired listening level.
8. Press the Stop button to stop playback at any time.
Fast Forward Function
Press the Fast Forward button (4) to fast forward the tape.
Extended listening at high volumes can cause damages to hearing.
English English

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