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Tip: Detectives should make their
way to the larger junctions before
Mister X surfaces to improve their
chances of being in the vicinity
of Mister X when he does show
Tip: Mister X should make sure
that no one can reach him on the
following turn after he has surfaced.
Mister X's special
Mister X surfaces
Mister X has to show himself at regular
after his 3rd, 8th, 13th,
18th and 24th moves. The intervals
when he has to surface are indicated on
the travel log by circled
numbers and a larger
As always, Mister X enters his station
on the travel log and covers his entry
with his ticket. Then he places his playing
piece on his current location.
The detectives have the break they've
been waiting for to fi nally catch Mister
X or to box him in. But there's no time
to waste! On his next turn, Mister X will
remove his playing piece from the board
and disappear again!
Double move
If Mister X plays a
double-move ticket, he
can move to two stations on a single turn
and with
any valid combination of two
modes of transportation. He enters both
stations in his travel log (2 fi elds) and
lays both used tickets over the fi elds.
The double-move ticket is then removed
from the game. If the fi rst station is a
station where Mister X has to surface,
he shows himself there momentarily and
then disappears again with his second
Since a double move is the same as 2
normal moves played out consecutively,
Mister X cannot move to a station that
is already occupied by a detective on his
rst or second move. Mister X may use a
double-move ticket only once per round.

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