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No sound.
No picture or sound.
Coloredpatches of
Panel function key does
not respond correctly.
Check the location of the antenna and adjust it if necessary.
Make sure the antenna cable is firmly connected.
Make sure all input cables are firmly connected.
Increase the volume.
Check the PICTURE setting within the PICTURE menu.
Make sure the unit is plugged in and turned on.
Make sure that the ATV mode is selected.
Try a new channel to check for possible station trouble.
Make sure the antenna is connected properly.
Increase the volume.
Make sure all cables are firmly connected.
Check for local interference.
Make sure there are no unshielded electrical devices nearby
that are causing interference.
Turn the TV off for 30 minutes, then try it again.
Under the influence of electrostatic phenomenon, the product
may malfunction and require usertopowerreset.
Unplug and re-plug the AC power cord.
Check to make sure the program you are watching is broadcast
in Color and not Black & White.
whether the mute function has been activated on the
Remote Control.
The display monitor's
panel goes hot.
LED TV takes inside lighten phosphor. It may increase the
temperature of the screen in some occasions. It's not a defect.
Unusual dots
Black dots and Bright points may appear on the LED screen.
This is a structural property of the LED panel and is not a defect.
Stripes on screen
Adjust the impulse phase may decrease stripes. RGB in
The top of the monitor
It may occur during long-time working. It's not a defect.
gets hot
Make sure the antenna or audio/video source device is
working properly.
Unable to select a
certain channel.
The channel may be skipped. Choose this channel by
directly selecting the buttons from the remote control.
Disorder display
at power on.
This may be caused because of a very short interval
between POWER OFF and ON.
Unplug the power and restart.

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