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Place the top of the fuse-holder back on the body. Press down and rotate the top of the fuse-holder clockwise
approx. 30°.
Failing to press the top of the fuse-holder down prior to rotating it, will damage the fuse-holder. Use of pliers to rotate
the top may also cause damage.
The illustration indicates the direction that the fuse-holder top must be rotated to reassemble.
QUINTEZZ is a registered trademark of TE-Group NV.
The QUINTEZZ brand stands for superior product quality and outstanding customer service. That is why QUINTEZZ
warrants this product against all defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of original
purchase of the product.
The conditions of this guarantee and the extent of responsibility of QUINTEZZ under this guarantee are as follows:
This guarantee is limited to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable to any subsequent purchaser/
end user.
During the guarantee period, the sole responsibility of QUINTEZZ will be limited to repair or replace, at its option, any
defective parts of the product if this is needed because of malfunction or failure under normal use and conditions. No
charge shall be made to the customer for parts and/or repair labor.
The product must be shipped to an authorized service center in its original and complete packaging, with transportation
charges prepaid. QUINTEZZ will not assume responsibility for any losses or damages during transportation.
To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this guarantee, the customer must provide (a) a proof of purchase
m_XT-8000Pro_GB.indd 8m_XT-8000Pro_GB.indd 8 04.09.2008 14:36:2704.09.2008 14:36:27

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Andere handleiding(en) van Quintezz XT-8000 Pro

Quintezz XT-8000 Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Quintezz XT-8000 Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

Quintezz XT-8000 Pro Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 11 pagina's

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