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The machine should be stored in a frost-free room!
Pump, hose and accessories should always be emptied of water prior to storing as follows:
1. Stop the machine (press the start/stop switch “O” and detach water hose, high pressure
hose and nozzle.
2. Restart the machine and activate the trigger of the trigger gun. Let the machine run until
no more water runs through the trigger gun
3. Stop the machine, unplug and wind up hose and cable.
4. Place trigger gun, lance, nozzles and other accessories in the holders of the machine.
The hook can be used for storage of the hose and cord
Should the machine by mistake be frozen, it will be necessary to check it for damage.
WARNING: Never start up a frozen machine. Frost damages are not covered
by the guarantee!
Machine refuses to
Machine not
plugged in
Plug in machine.
Defective socket
Try another socket.
Defective extension
Try without the extension cable.
Fluctuating pressure
Pump is sucking air
Check that hoses and connections are
Valves dirty, worn
out or stuck
Contact your nearest service centre
Water supply not
Increase water pressure, check for blockage
of garden hose and/or change to bigger hose.
Pump seals worn
Contact your nearest service centre
Machine stops
Incorrect mains
Check that the mains voltage corresponds to
specification on the name plate
Thermal sensor
Leave the machine for 5 minutes to cool down
Nozzle partially
Clean the nozzle with a needle and by
spraying water backwards through the nozzle
Amperage increase
Try without the extension cable.
Machine pulsating
Air in inlet
Allow machine to run with open trigger until
regular working pressure resumes.
Inadequate supply
of mains water
Increase water pressure, check for blockage
of garden hose and/or change to bigger hose.
Nozzle partially
Clean the nozzle with a needle and by
spraying water backwards through the nozzle
Water filter blocked
Clean the filter
Hose kinked
Straighten out hose.
Machine often starts
and stops by itself
Pump and/or trigger
gun is leaking
Contact your nearest service centre
No water supply
Connect inlet water.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXG9035

Powerplus POWXG9035 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG9035 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG9035 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 14 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG9035 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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