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CAUTION: Blades coast after turn off.
Don’t force hedge trimmer, it will do the job better and with less likelihood of risk of injury
at the rate for which it was designed.
Stay alert, watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate hedge trimmer
when you are tired.
Maintain hedge trimmer with care, keep cutting blades sharp and clean for best
performance and to reduce the risk of injury.. Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil
and grease.
Always fit the blade guard onto the cutting bar if you wish to transport or store your hedge
You have to charge the battery pack before using your hedge trimmer for the first time.
Attention !
Only use the charger included to charge your battery pack. This charger has been
designed to work with the Li-ion-battery pack in your battery hedge trimmer.
Only charge your battery pack indoors
Do not expose the charger to rain or moisture.
If you notice that the plug, cable or casing of the charger is damaged, have it checked
and, if necessary, repaired.
Only charge your battery pack at ambient temperatures of 10°–40°C.
7.1 Charging procedure
Connect the charger (10) to a 230V AC mains supply.
The red LED will light up to show that the battery back is ready for charging.
Attention !
Do not insert any foreign objects into the openings on the charger.
Never under any circumstances attempt to dismantle the battery pack (6).
Remove the battery from the hedge trimmer. To remove the battery pack:
press the two fastening clips (5) on the side of the battery pack (6) and slide it out back-
wards (Fig. 2).
Insert in charger
Slide the battery (6) onto the guide on the charger (10) as far as it will go (Fig. 4).
Once the battery pack has been fitted properly, the yellow LED on the charger will flash to
indicate that the battery pack is charging.
The battery pack is completely charged and ready to use as soon as the green LED lights
up, which will normally be after around an hour.
Insert the charged battery in hedge trimmer again.
Slide the charged battery pack into the guide on your hedge trimmer until you hear it click
into place.
8.1 Switching on:
Press and hold the switch lock on the front grip (3).
Pull the safety catch (8) on the deadman switch (7) backwards, squeeze the deadman
switch and hold it.
8.2 Switching off:
Releasing the deadman switch or safety catch on the shaft handgrip switches off the
hedge trimmer.
The safety catch (8) automatically locks out the deadman switch (7).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXG2030LI

Powerplus POWXG2030LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG2030LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG2030LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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