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We reserve the right to reject a claim whenever the purchase cannot be verified or when it
is clear that the product has not been properly maintained. (Clean ventilation slots, carbon
brushes serviced regularly, etc.).
§ Your purchase receipt must be kept as proof of date of purchase.
Your appliance must be returned undismantled to your dealer in an acceptably clean state,
(in its original blow-
moulded case if applicable to the unit), accompanied by proof of
hould your appliance need replacement after extended use, do not discard it
with the household rubbish but dispose of it in an environmentally safe way.
Waste produced by electrical machine items should not be handled like normal
household rubbish. Please
recycle where recycle facilities exist. Check with your
Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.
VARO N.V. - Joseph Van Instraat 9 - BE2500 Lier -
BELGIUM, declares that,
product: Electric hammer drill 3 in 1
trade mark: POWERplus
model: POW30540
is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the applicable
European Directives as they relate to European harmonized standards. Any unauthorized
modification of the apparatus voids this declaration.
European Directives (including, if applicable, their amendments):
2000/14/EC Annex V LwA 101 dB(A) / 104 dB(A)
European harmonized standards (including, if applicable, their amendments):
EN60745-1 : 2009
EN60745-2-6 : 2010
EN55014-1 : 2006
EN55014-2 : 1997
EN61000-3-2 : 2006
EN61000-3-3 : 2008
The undersigned acts on behalf of the company management,
Philippe Vankerkhove
Certification Manager
We reserve the right to reject a claim whenever the purchase cannot be verified or when it
is clear that the product has not been properly maintained. (Clean ventilation slots, carbon
Your appliance must be returned undismantled to your dealer in an acceptably clean state,
moulded case if applicable to the unit), accompanied by proof of
hould your appliance need replacement after extended use, do not discard it
with the household rubbish but dispose of it in an environmentally safe way.
Waste produced by electrical machine items should not be handled like normal
recycle where recycle facilities exist. Check with your
BELGIUM, declares that,
is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the applicable
European Directives as they relate to European harmonized standards. Any unauthorized
European harmonized standards (including, if applicable, their amendments):

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POW30540

Powerplus POW30540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW30540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POW30540 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW30540 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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