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KH 2906
Intended use
This product is intended for the transport of loads in
a household environment. The product is not inten-
ded for the transport of people or living animals and
is not to be used for commercial or industrial
Technical Data
Load capacity: 90 kg max.
Weight: 4,5 kg
Height: 1085 mm, folded 710 mm
Loading surface: 38,5 x 24,5 cm
Safety instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully before
using the appliance for the first time and preser-
ve this booklet for later reference. Pass the
manual on to whomsoever might acquire the
appliance at a later date.
Only use the sack barrow when it is in faultless
condition. When damaged it possibly may not
be sufficiently safe.
Only use the sack barrow when the upper
section is completely pulled out and locked into
place. Do not operate the safety bar
as long
as there is a load on the loading surface.
Only use the sack barrow on smooth, even
surfaces not on steps or steep inclines. If the load
is able to tip from the loading surface secure it by
firmly binding.
Caution! There exists the danger of pinching at
the place where the arbors from the upper part
locates into the lower part. Never hold on in this
area or in the arbors!
Proceed as follows for each wheel:
First put the sleeves
on the axles.
Then put the washers
on the axles.
Now put the wheel
on the axle so that the
bearing faces toward the washer
as can be
seen in the diagram.
Finally put the cotterpin
through the hole in
the axle and bend the ends apart.
1. Press the safety bar
2. At the same time you can now pull out the upper
of the sack barrow until it locks into place.
In the same way you can push it back in.
To put into use fold the loading surface
Clean the sack barrow with a dry or slightly
damp cloth if soiling is visible. This product is
maintenance free.
Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal
domestic waste. Dispose of the appliance through
an approved disposal centre or at your community
waste facility. Observe the currently applicable
regulations. In case of doubt, please contact your
waste disposal centre.
D-44867 BOCHUM
Tel.: +49 (0) 2327 3018 0
IB_KH2906_BN46483_LB5new 05.01.2010 12:29 Uhr Seite 4

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Powerfix KH 2906 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 6 pagina's

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