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This appliance is for domestic use only and is guaranteed for
two years from the date of purchase against any defects
present at the time the goods are handed over; the date of
purchase must be proven via a proof of purchase document
valid for tax purposes and issued by the seller.
For repairs, the appliance must be accompanied by proof of
This warranty does not affect the consumer rights deriving from
European Directive 99/44/EC as regards some aspects of sale
and warranty of consumer goods, rights which the consumer
should uphold with respect to the seller.
This warranty is valid in the countries which adhere to European
Directive 99/44/EC. For other countries, local regulations on
warranties apply.
During the warranty, Polti guarantees free repair of a product
with a manufacturing or factory defect and, therefore, the client
is not liable to pay for any work or materials.
In case of irreparable defects, Polti may replace the product
free of charge.
To avail of the warranty, the customer should visit one of the
Polti Authorised Service Centres with proof of purchase from
the seller valid for tax purposes and bearing the date of
purchase of the product. Without proof of purchase and the
relative date of purchase, the work will be charged for. Store
the proof of purchase document safely for the whole duration
of the warranty.
Any fault or damage not deriving from a manufacturing
Any fault due to improper use or use other than that indi-
cated in the instruction booklet, an integral part of the
product sales contract.
Any defect resulting from force majeure (fires, short cir-
cuits) or caused by third parties (tampering).
Damage caused by the use of non-original Polti parts, and
repairs or modifications performed by staff or service cen-
tres not authorised by Polti.
Damage caused by the customer.
Parts (filter, brush, hose, etc.) damaged by use (consuma-
ble goods) or normal wear and tear.
Any damage caused by limescale.
Defects resulting from lack of maintenance/cleaning ac-
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Assembly of non-original Polti accessories or those that
have been modified or which are not suitable for the ap-
Inappropriate use and/or use not compliant with the
instructions for use and any other warnings or indications
contained in this manual invalidates the warranty.
Polti takes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage to
people, objects or animals caused by non-compliance with the
instructions indicated in this instruction booklet, regarding
warnings for use and product maintenance.
To see the up-to-date list of the Polti Authorised Service
Centres, visit the website www.polti.com.
PRELIMINARE VT CLASSIC55_65 - M0S11215 - 1P06_vers7:UNICO 17/07/2015 14.23 Pagina 26

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Andere handleiding(en) van Polti Vaporetto Classic 55

Polti Vaporetto Classic 55 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

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