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Attention! Do not use the appliance without reading the instructions for use.
In case of breakdown or malfunction do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself but refer
to your nearest authorised Service Centre.
In case of a reduction in steam emission strength, have the clean state of the generator's level
sensor checked at the nearest Polti authorised Service Centre.
The electrical system the appliance is connected to must be realised in accordance with the
current rules. We recommend the presence of a differential magnetothermic switch, with
sensibility equal to 30 mA, at the source of the power socket or of the electrical system.
Attention! this appliance has been designed for use exclusively with the detergent
recommended by the manufacturer. The use of other products can compromise the safety of
the appliance.
Attention! do not use the appliance when other people are very near to the working area.
Attention! the steam jet under pressure can be dangerous if incorrectly used. Never direct the
steam jet at people, animals, electrical parts of other appliances or towards the appliance itself.
Never direct the steam jet towards yourselves or other people to clean clothes or shoes.
The appliance must not be used by children or by people who are not familiar with the usage
In order not to compromise the safety of the appliance, use only original spare parts and
accessories, approved by the manufacturer.
Do not use the appliance if the supply cable or other important parts of the appliance are
damaged. The supply cable must be replaced by the manufacturer or by its Service Centre or
anyway by a similarly qualified person, so as to prevent any risk.
Do not suck up undiluted acids or solvents, which may cause serious damage to the appliance
and especially do not suck up explosive liquids, inflammable gases, explosive powders,
benzines, paints, fuel oil, which may cause explosions if they come in contact with the internal
parts of the appliance.
You must not use the appliance in environments where there is danger of explosion
Do not suck up objects in flames or glowing, such as embers, ash and other materials while
This appliance is not suitable for the aspiration of powders which are harmful for your health.
Should there be a liquid or foam leak during aspiration, immediately switch off the appliance,
disconnect it and make the necessary maintenance.
If an extension cable is used, the plug and the socket must be watertight. Attention! the use of
an unsuitable extension cable can be dangerous.
Attention! this appliance must be watched during operation.

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