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Place an Outgoing Call
1 Wearing your headset, press the headset call control button.
2 Remove the handset from the cradle. You will hear a dial tone.
NOTE This step will be automatic if you install a lifter or EHS cable accessory. For a complete list of
accessories, visit plantronics.com/accessories.
3 Dial the number using your desk phone.
4 To end the call, press the headset call control button and hang up the handset.
Answer an Incoming Call
1 Wearing your headset, press the headset call control button.
2 Remove the handset from the cradle speak to your caller.
NOTE This step will be automatic if you install a lifter or EHS cable accessory. For a complete list of
accessories, visit plantronics.com/accessories.
3 To end the call, press the headset call control button and hang up the handset.
Conference Up to Three Additional Headsets
You can conference up to three additional headsets to a call in progress.
Join a Conference Call
While in an active link between the primary headset and the base (on a call), place the guest
headset into the primary user’s charge cradle (this connects the headset to the base). The base
subscription LED will begin flashing. After a few moments, the primary user will hear a triple
tone in their headset indicating the guest headset wishes to join the call. Within ten seconds of
hearing the triple tone, press the primary headset’s call button to accept the guest headset. If
the process fails or times out because the button was not pressed within ten seconds the guest
subscription is terminated and the guest will hear an error tone in their headset.
To connect a guest headset that is of different variety than the primary headset press the base
subscription button while the base has an active link. Next, press the guest headset volume
up button until the indicator light turns on. The base subscription LED will begin flashing and
the primary user will hear a triple tone in their headset indicating the guest headset wishes
to join the call. Within ten seconds of hearing the triple tone, press the primary headset’s call
button to accept the guest headset. If the process fails or times out because the button was
not pressed within ten seconds the guest subscription is terminated and the guest will hear an
error tone in their headset.
NOTE Headsets in a conference maintain independent mute controls. The base only indicates the
primary users mute state.
Exit a Conference Call
Guests headsets can remain as guests through multiple calls. To remove a guest headset, press
the guest headset’s call control button or dock the primary user’s headset in the charge cradle.
A single tone in the master headset will be heard as each guest leaves the call.
NOTE The user of the primary headset in a multiple headset conference scenario may hear
additional tones (triple tones) in their headset and see the subscription LED on the base flash as
guest headsets join the call. These additional tones and flashing LED indicate that the guest headset
has a different version of firmware than the primary headset, but can still be used for conferencing.
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