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Operating Instructions
Speaker System
Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these operating instructions before
using your speaker system to optimize performance.
This speaker system has an impedance of 8 Ω, and
should be connected only to an amplifier designed
with a load impedance of 8 Ω (the amplifier’s speaker
output connector should clearly be labeled “8 Ω“).
In order to prevent damage to the speaker system
resulting from input overload, please observe the
following precautions:
-Be sure to turn the connected devices off and
remove the power cord from the wall outlet
beforehand when changing the connection or
installation method.
-Do not use excessive amplifier volume if using a
tone control to emphasize high or low frequencies.
Do not use the speaker to output distorted sound for
long periods of time. This can result in a fire hazard.
Do not install these units near a stove or other
heating appliance, or put them in a place exposed to
the sun. Such locations may cause the cabinet to
change color and the speaker system to break down.
Do not attach the front speakers to the wall or ceiling.
It may fall off and cause injury.
Placing the stand on an unstable surface can be
dangerous. Be sure to place it on a flat, firm surface.
This speaker system is magnetically shielded.
However, depending on the installation location,
color distortion may occur if the speaker system is
installed extremely close to the screen of a television
If this happens, turn off the television, then turn it on
again after 15 min to 30 min. If the problem persists,
place the speaker system away from the television
Do not install your speakers overhead on the ceiling
or wall. The grille is designed to be detachable, and
as such it may fall and cause damage or personal
injury if installed overhead.
Do not place heavy or large objects on top of the
speaker. Doing so could provoke the speaker to fall,
causing damages or bodily
For best results the speakers should be separated a
distance approximately equal to the listening distance.
Angling the speakers inward towards the listener will
improve the image stability for non-central listeners.
Close proximity to a side or rear wall will enhance the
midbass performance, although too close (particularly a
corner location) and the bass may be unnaturally high
and image performance may be degraded.
Front speaker x 2
Speaker cords x 2
Front Grilles x 2
Operating instructions
S-ES21-LR.fm 1 ページ 2013年7月18日 木曜日 午前9時25分

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