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1 After installation of this unit, turn the
ignition switch to ON.
SET UP appears.
2 Turn M.C. to switch to YES.
# If you do not operate for 30seconds, the set up
menu will not be displayed.
# If you prefer not to set up at this time, turn M.C.
to switch to NO. Press to select.
If you select NO, you cannot set up in the set up
3 Press M.C. to select.
4 Perform the following procedures to set
the menu.
To proceed to the next menu option, you need to
confirm your selection.
LANGUAGE (multi-language)
This unit can display the text information from a
compressed audio file even for information em-
bedded in English or Russian.
! If the embedded language and the selected
language setting are not the same, text infor-
mation may not display properly.
! Some characters may not be displayed prop-
1 Turn M.C. to select the desired setting.
ENG (English)РУС (Russian)
2 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.
CLOCK SET (setting the clock)
1 Turn M.C. to adjust hour.
2 Press M.C. to select minute.
3 Turn M.C. to adjust minute.
4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.
FM STEP (FM tuning step)
Normally, the FM tuning step employed by seek
tuning is 50kHz. When AF or TA is on, the tuning
step automatically changes to 100 kHz. It may be
preferable to set the tuning step to 50 kHz when
AF is on.
! The tuning step remains at 50kHz during man-
ual tuning.
1 Turn M.C. to select the FM tuning step.
50 (50kHz)100 (100kHz)
2 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.
QUIT appears.
5 To finish your settings, turn M.C. to select
# If you prefer to change your setting again, turn
M.C. to switch to NO. Press to select.
6 Press M.C. to select.
! You can set up the menu options from the
system menu. For details about the settings,
refer to System menu on page 6.
! You can cancel set up menu by pressing
Basic operations
! Handle gently when removing or attaching
the front panel.
! Avoid subjecting the front panel to excessive
! Keep the front panel out of direct sunlight
and high temperatures.
! To avoid damaging the device or vehicle inte-
rior, remove any cables and devices attached
to the front panel before detaching it.
Removing the front panel to protect your unit from
1 Press the detach button to release the front
2 Push the front panel upward (M) and then pull
it toward (N) you.
3 Always keep the detached front panel in a pro-
tection device such as a protection case.
Re-attaching the front panel
1 Slide the front panel to the left.
Make sure to insert the tabs on the left side of
the head unit into the slots on the front panel.
2 Press the right side of the front panel until it is
firmly seated.
If you cannot attach the front panel to the
head unit successfully, make sure that you are
placing the front panel onto the head unit cor-
rectly. Forcing the front panel into place may
result in damage to the front panel or head
Turning the unit on
1 Press SRC/OFF to turn the unit on.
Turning the unit off
1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit turns
Selecting a source
1 Press SRC/OFF to cycle between:
TUNER (tuner)CD (CD player)AUX (AUX)
Adjusting the volume
1 Turn M.C. to adjust the volume.
For safety reasons, park your vehicle when re-
moving the front panel.
When this units blue/white lead is connected to
the vehicles auto-antenna relay control termi-
nal, the vehicles antenna extends when this
units source is turned on. To retract the anten-
na, turn the source off.
Frequently used menu
Returning to the previous display
Returning to the previous list (the folder one level
1 Press
Returning to the ordinary display
Canceling the main menu
1 Press BAND.
Returning to the ordinary display from the list
1 Press BAND.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik heb geen geluid , geen volumu.
    Er staat mute op de display .
    hoe krijg ik dit klaar ? Gesteld op 18-2-2023 om 14:49

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Ik heb net een DEH-150MP. Ik begrijp niet hoe ik hem uit moet zetten, het display blijft allerlei eigen reclame geven. Het geluid is wel uit na drukken op SRC. Of is dat stand-by verbruik zó laag (hoe laag?) dat het niets hindert? Gesteld op 14-8-2013 om 15:04

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

Misbruik melden

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