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% Press the VOL (+/) button.
When you press the VOL (+/) button, the touch
panel keys and indications that are related to
volume adjustment appear.
1 2 3
1 Touch to mute. Touch again to unmute.
2 Displays the main sound volume.
3 Touch to adjust the guidance volume or alert
sound volume.
Each touch of [+]or[] increases or de-
creases the volume level.
p You cannot adjust the volume of the main
sound on the screen. Press the VOL (+/) but-
ton to adjust the volume of the main sound.
p The volume menu is displayed for four sec-
onds. If the screen disappears, press the VOL
(+/) button again. The screen reappears.
Setting the driving position
To achieve optimum usability of Apple CarPlay,
set the driving position setting correctly accord-
ing to the vehicle.
1 Touch the HOME button to display the
Top menu screen.
2 Touch the following keys in the following
The System screen appears.
3 Touch [Driving Position].
4 Touch the item you want to set.
! Left (default):
Select for a left-hand drive vehicle.
! Right:
Select for a right-hand drive vehicle.
The setting will be applied the next time an
Apple CarPlay-compatible device is connected
to this product.
Error messages
When problems occur with this product, an error message appears on the display. Refer to the table
below to identify the problem, then take the suggested corrective action. If the error persists, record
the error message and contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer service center.
Apple CarPlay
Message Cause Action
Attempting to connect to
Apple CarPlay.
Communication failed. ! Restart the iPhone.
! Disconnect the cable from the iPhone,
and then connect the iPhone again after
a few seconds.
! Turn the ignition switch to OFF and then
to ON.
If the error message is still displayed after
performing the above action, please con-
tact your dealer or an authorized Pioneer
Service Station.
Detailed information
regarding connected iPhone
! Pioneer accepts no responsibility for data
lost from an iPhone, even if that data is lost
while using this product. Please back up
your iPhone data regularly.
! Do not leave the iPhone in direct sunlight for
extended amounts of time. Extended expo-
sure to direct sunlight can result in iPhone
malfunction due to the resulting high tem-
! Do not leave the iPhone in any location with
high temperatures.
! Firmly secure the iPhone when driving. Do
not let the iPhone fall onto the floor, where it
may become jammed under the brake or gas
For details, refer to the iPhone manuals.
Copyright and trademark
Lightning is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Apple CarPlay
Apple CarPlay is a trademark of Apple Inc.
iOS is a trademark on which Cisco holds the
trademark right in the US and certain other
iPod and iPhone
iPod and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Using Apple CarPlay

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