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If an Apple CarPlay-compatible iPhone is con-
nected to this product, you can operate applica-
tions on the iPhone directly from this product.
p Apple CarPlay may not be available in your
country or region.
For details about Apple CarPlay, visit the fol-
lowing site:
Apple CarPlay compatibility
Apple CarPlay is available for the following
iPhone models.
! iPhone 6 Plus: iOS 8 or later
! iPhone 6: iOS 8 or later
! iPhone 5s: iOS 7.1 or later
! iPhone 5c: iOS 7.1 or later
! iPhone 5: iOS 7.1 or later
Using app-based connected
Requirements to access app-based connected
content services using this product:
! A current account with the content service pro-
! Connection to the Internet via 3G, EDGE, LTE (4G)
or Wi-Fi network.
! Optional Pioneer adapter cable connecting your
iPhone to this product.
! Service availability may be geographically
limited to the region. Consult the connected
content service provider for additional infor-
! Pioneer is not liable for any issues that may
arise from incorrect or flawed app-based
! Content and functionality of compatible
applications are the responsibility of the
App providers.
! In Apple CarPlay, usage is limited while
driving, with availability of functions and
content determined by the App providers.
! Apple CarPlay allows access to applica-
tions other than those listed, subject to
limitations while driving.
Setting the device
connection method
Set up the connection method before using
Apple CarPlay with this product.
1 Press the HOME button to display the
Top menu screen.
2 Touch the following keys in the following
The System screen appears.
3 Touch [Input/Output Settings].
4 Touch [Smartphone Setup].
The Smartphone Setup screen appears.
5 Select iPhone/iPod for Device.
6 Select USB for Connection.
7 Select On for Apple CarPlay.
p The setting cannot be changed for a while
after the setting is changed.
Using the touch panel keys
1 2
1 Displays the Application menu screen
with a single touch of the key.
Launches the voice recognition function
if touching and holding the key.
p You can also launch the voice recognition
function by touching and holding the
HOME button.
2 Displays the Top menu screen of this
p You can also display the Top menu screen
of this product by touching the HOME
Starting procedure
p To achieve optimum usability of Apple Car-
Play, set the driving position setting correctly
according to the vehicle.
= For details, refer to Setting the driving po-
sition on page 4.
1 Connect an iPhone to USB port 1 of this
product via the separately sold USB interface
cable for iPod/iPhone (CD-IU52).
The Application menu screen appears.
p If an iPhone has been connected and another
screen is displayed, touch [Apple CarPlay]
on the Top menu screen to display the Appli-
cation menu screen.
2 Touch the desired application icon.
The desired application is launched, and the ap-
plication operation screen appears.
3 Operate the application.
= For details, refer to Using the touch panel
keys on page 3.
= For details on adjusting the volume, refer to
Adjusting the volume on page 3.
p The compatible finger gestures vary depend-
ing on the application for iPhone.
p The Bluetooth connection will be terminated
automatically if Apple CarPlay is turned on.
Hands-free phoning via Bluetooth wireless
technology and Bluetooth audio function are
not available while Apple CarPlay is on.
p If Apple CarPlay is turned on during a call
on a cellular phone other than the iPhone
connected to use Apple CarPlay, the
Bluetooth connection will be terminated after
the call ends.
p If your product supports the internal naviga-
tion system, the route guidance by the inter-
nal navigation system will stop automatically
if the route guidance function in Apple Car-
Play is launched.
p iPod and video files on the external storage
device (USB, SD) are not available as a
source for the rear display while Apple Car-
Play is on.
p If you touch the phone key on the screen of
this product while Apple CarPlay is on, the
phone screen for Apple CarPlay will be dis-
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the guidance volume and alert
sound volume separately from the main sound
volume when Apple CarPlay is used.
Before using Apple CarPlay
Using Apple CarPlay

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