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The screens shown in the examples may differ
from actual screens, which may be changed
without notice for performance and function
Manual overview 2
Conventions used in this manual 2
Terms used in this manual 2
Before using Apple CarPlay
Apple CarPlay compatibility 3
Using app-based connected content 3
Setting the device connection method 3
Using Apple CarPlay
Using the touch panel keys 3
Starting procedure 3
Adjusting the volume 3
Setting the driving position 4
Error messages 4
Detailed information regarding connected
iPhone devices 4
Copyright and trademark 4
Manual overview
Before using the Apple CarPlay function, be
sure to read the manuals that are provided
with the Pioneer product that you purchased.
The manuals of your Pioneer product contain
warnings, cautions, and other important infor-
mation that you should note.
The screen examples shown in this manual are
those for the European model. The screens may
vary according to the models.
Conventions used in this manual
Before moving on, take a few minutes to read
the following information about the conventions
used in this manual. Familiarity with these con-
ventions will help you greatly as you learn how
to use your new equipment.
! Buttons on this product are described in
HOME button, MODE button.
! Menu items, screen titles, and functional
components are described in bold with dou-
ble quotation marks “”:
System screen or Audio screen
! Touch panel keys that are available on the
screen are described in bold in brackets [ ]:
[Disc], [AV Source Settings].
! Extra information, alternatives and other
notes are presented in the following format:
p If the home location has not been stored
yet, set the location first.
! Functions of other keys on the same screen
are indicated with # at the beginning of the
# If you touch [OK], the entry is deleted.
! References are indicated like this:
= For details of Apple CarPlay-compatible
devices, refer to Apple CarPlay compatibil-
ity on page 3.
Terms used in this manual
Front display and Rear display
In this manual, the screen that is attached to
the body of this product will be referred to as the
Front display. Any additional screen that is
commercially available and can be connected to
this product will be referred to as the Rear dis-
External storage device (USB, SD)
The SD memory card, SDHC memory card and
USB memory device are collectively referred to
as the external storage device (USB, SD).Ifit
indicates the USB memory only, it is referred to
as the USB storage device.
In this manual, an iPhone that is compatible
with Apple CarPlay will be referred to as

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