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This apparatus must be earthed.
The following symbols are found on
labels attached to the product. They alert
the operators and service personnel of
this equipment to any potentially
dangerous conditions.
When placed into the standby mode, the main
power flow is cut and the unit is no longer fully
STANDBY/ON Indicator
The indicator is lit red when the unit is in the standby mode
and is lit blue when it is in the power-on mode.
This equipment is not waterproof. To prevent a fire or
shock hazard, do not place any container filed with liquid
near this equipment (such as a vase or flower pot) or
expose it to dripping, splashing, rain or moisture.
This product complies with the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC,
amended by 93/68/EEC), EMC Directives (89/336/EEC, amended by
92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC).
The voltage of the available power supply differs according
to country or region. Be sure that the power supply voltage
of the area where this unit will be used meets the required
voltage (e.g., 230V or 120V) written on the rear panel.
Before plugging in for the first time, read the following
section carefully.
This product equipped with a three-wire grounding
(earthed) plug - a plug that has a third (grounding) pin. This
plug only fits a grounding-type power outlet. If you are
unable to insert the plug into an outlet, contact a licensed
electrician to replace the outlet with a properly grounded
one. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding
This symbol refers to a hazard or unsafe
practice which can result in personal
injury or property damage.
This symbol refers to a hazard or unsafe
practice which can result in severe
personal injury or death.
To prevent a fire hazard, do not place any naked flame
sources (such as a lighted candle) on the equipment.
When installing this unit, make sure to leave space around
the unit for ventilation to improve heat radiation. For the
minimum space required, see page 15.
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for
ventilation to ensure reliable operation of the product, and
to protect it from overheating. To prevent fire hazard, the
openings should never be blocked or covered with items
(such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains) or by operating
the equipment on thick carpet or a bed.
The power switch does not completely separate the unit
from the mains in off position. Therefore install the unit
suitable places easy to disconnect the mains plug in case of
the accident. The mains plug of unit should be unplugged
from the wall socket when left unused for a long period of
PDP-506FDE.book Page 3 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:00 PM

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