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Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to
Philips! To fully benet from the support that Philips offers,
register your product at www.philips.com/welcome.
Read this user manual carefully before you use the
appliance and save it for future reference.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
Use and store the appliance at a temperature
between 5°C and 35°C.
This shaver is not waterproof and cannot be cleaned
under the tap. Keep the shaver dry (Fig. 1).
Remove the batteries from the appliance if you are
not going to use it for quite some time.
Compliance with standards
This Philips appliance complies with all standards
regarding electromagnetic elds (EMF). If handled
properly and according to the instructions in this
user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on
scientic evidence available today.
Preparing for use
The appliance runs on two R6 AA 1.5-volt alkaline
batteries. We strongly advise you to use Philips Powerlife
batteries. They supply sufcient energy for up to 60
minutes of shaving.
Inserting batteries
1 Remove the lid of the battery compartment (Fig. 2).
2 Put two batteries in the battery
compartment (Fig. 3).
Make sure your hands and the appliance are dry when
you insert the batteries.
Make sure the + and - poles of the batteries point
in the right direction
Note: The appliance does not work if the batteries have
been placed incorrectly.
3 Put the lid of the battery compartment back onto
the appliance (‘click’).
Avoiding damage due to battery leakage
Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the
appliance for a month or more.
Do not leave empty batteries in the appliance.
Using the appliance
1 Remove the protection cap.
2 Push the on/off slide upwards to switch on the
shaver (Fig. 4).
3 Move the shaving heads quickly over your skin.
Make both straight and circular movements (Fig. 5).
Note: Shaving on a dry face gives the best results.
Note: Your skin may need 2 or 3 weeks to get accustomed to
the Philips shaving system.
4 Push the on/off slide downwards to switch off the
5 Put the protection cap on the shaver to prevent
damage to the shaving heads (Fig. 6).
Cleaning and maintenance
Regular cleaning guarantees better shaving performance.
Every week: shaving unit and hair chamber
1 Switch off the shaver.
2 Brush the outside of the shaving unit with the
brush supplied (Fig. 7).
3 Remove the shaving unit (Fig. 8).
4 Brush the inside of the shaving unit (Fig. 9).
5 Brush the hair chamber (Fig. 10).
6 Put the shaving unit back onto the shaver.
Every two months: shaving heads
Note: Do not use cleaning agents or alcohol to clean the
shaving heads. Only use the HQ110 Shaving Head Cleaning
1 Switch off the shaver.
2 Remove the shaving unit (Fig. 8).
3 Turn the wheel anticlockwise (1) and remove the
retaining frame (2) (Fig. 11).
4 Remove the shaving heads from the shaving unit
one by one (Fig. 12).
Note: Do not clean more than one cutter and guard at a
time, since they are all matching sets. If you accidentally mix
up the cutters and guards, it may take several weeks before
optimal shaving performance is restored.
5 Remove the cutter from the guard (Fig. 13).
6 Clean the cutter with the short-bristled side of the
brush (Fig. 14).
7 Brush the guard (Fig. 15).
8 Put the shaving heads back into the shaving unit.
9 Put the retaining frame back into the shaving unit
and turn the wheel clockwise.
10 Put the shaving unit back onto the shaver.
Tip: For optimal shaving performance, we advise you to
lubricate the shaving heads with a drop of sewing machine
oil every six months.
Put the protection cap on the shaver after use to
prevent damage to the shaving heads (Fig. 6).
Replace the shaving heads every two years for optimal
shaving results.
Replace damaged or worn shaving heads with HQ4+
Philips Micro+ Lift & Cut Shaving Heads.
1 Switch off the shaver.
2 Remove the shaving unit (Fig. 8).
3 Turn the wheel anticlockwise (1) and remove the
retaining frame (2) (Fig. 11).
4 Remove the shaving heads from the shaving unit
and replace them with new ones (Fig. 12).
5 Put the retaining frame back into the shaving unit
and turn the wheel clockwise.
6 Put the shaving unit back onto the shaver.
The following accessories are available:
HQ4+ Philips Micro+ Lift & Cut Shaving Heads
HQ110 Philips Shaving Head Cleaning Spray (not
available in some countries)
Do not throw away the appliance with the normal
household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in
at an ofcial collection point for recycling. By doing
this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 16).
Batteries contain substances that may pollute
the environment. Do not throw away empty
batteries with the normal household waste, but
dispose of them at an ofcial collection point for
batteries. Always remove the batteries before you
discard and hand in the appliance at an ofcial
collection point.
Guarantee & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please
visit the Philips website at www.philips.com or contact the
Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you nd
its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaet).
If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country,
go to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service
Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal
Care BV.
Guarantee restrictions
The shaving heads (cutters and guards) are not covered
by the terms of the international guarantee because they
are subject to wear.
Problem Solution
The shaver doesn’t
shave as well as it
used to.
You may not have cleaned
the appliance properly. Clean
the shaving heads thoroughly
(see chapter ‘Cleaning and
Long hairs may be obstructing
the shaving heads. Clean the
cutters and guards properly
with the brush supplied
(see chapter ‘Cleaning and
The shaving heads may be
damaged or worn. Replace
the shaving heads (see chapter
The batteries may be running
low. Replace the batteries (see
chapter ‘Preparing for use’).
The shaver doesn’t
switch on when I
push the on/off slide
The batteries may be empty.
Replace the batteries (see
chapter ‘Preparing for use’).
You may have inserted the
batteries incorrectly. Insert the
batteries correctly into the
battery compartment. Make
sure the + and - poles point in
the right direction.

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