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ADSL2/2+ Modem Router
Appendix C: Glossary
Appendix C: Glossary
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode): ATM is a cell based transfer mode that requires variable
length user information to be segmented and reassembled to/from short, fixed length cells. It
uses two different methods for carrying connectionless network interconnect traffic, routed and
bridged Protocol Data Units (PDUs), over an ATM network.
DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System): Allows the hosting of a website, FTP server, or e-mail
server with a fixed domain name (e.g., www.xyz.com) and a dynamic IP address.
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone): Removes the Router's firewall protection from one PC, allowing it to
be seen from the Internet.
DNS (Domain Name Server): The IP address of your ISP's server, which translates the names of
websites into IP addresses.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): An always-on broadband connection over traditional phone
Dynamic IP Address: A temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server.
Firewall: A set of related programs located at a network gateway server that protects the
resources of a network from users from other networks.
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A company that provides access to the Internet.
Ping (Packet Internet Groper): An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP
address is online.
PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet): PPPoE stands for Point to Point protocol over
Ethernet; this protocol is used as a type of broadband connection that provides authentication
(username and password) in addition to data transport.
PPPoA (Point to Point Protocol over ATM): PPPoA stands for Point to Point protocol over ATM;
this protocol is also used as a type of broadband connection that provides authentication
(username and password) in addition to data transport.
Static IP Address: A fixed address assigned to a computer or device that is connected to a
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): A network protocol for transmitting data that requires
acknowledgement from the recipient of data sent.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A network protocol for transmitting data that does not require
acknowledgement from the recipient of the data that is sent.

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De handleiding is 5,56 mb groot.


U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

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