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29 GB
Before first use / First use First use / Servicing and cleaning / Service centre / Warranty / Disposal
Switching between drilling /
Note: The hammer-action drilling mode is intended
for drilling into brick, concrete and stone only.
Note: The drill / hammer-action switch
only be moved after the device has come to a
Set the drill / hammer-action switch
to the
right into the
Impact drilling:
Set the drill / hammer-action switch
to the
left into the
Servicing and cleaning
Switch the device off and pull the plug out of the
mains socket before carrying out any work on the
Do not allow any liquids to enter the device.
Use a cloth to clean the device.
Clean the device after you have finished using it.
Do not under any circumstances use petrol or
strong solvents.
Store the device in a dry room.
Service centre
Have your device repaired
only by qualified specialist personnel
using original manufacturer parts only.
This will ensure that your device remains safe
to use.
If the plug or mains lead
needs to be replaced, always have
the replacement carried out by the
manufacturer or his service centre. This
will ensure that your device remains safe to use.
The warranty for this appliance is for 3
years from the date of purchase. The ap-
pliance has been manufactured with care
and meticulously examined before deliv-
ery. Please retain your receipt as proof
of purchase. In the event of a warranty
claim, please make contact by telephone
with our Service Department. Only in this
way can a post-free despatch for your
goods be assured.
The warranty covers only claims for material and
maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage,
for wearing parts or for damage to fragile compo-
nents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for pri-
vate use only and is not intended for commercial use.
The warranty is void in the case of abusive and im-
proper handling, use of force and internal tampering
not carried out by our authorized service branch. Your
statutory rights are not restricted in any way by this
The warranty period will not be extended by repairs
made unter warranty. This applies also to replaced
and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant
on purchase must be reported immediately after
unpacking the appliance, at the latest, two days after
the purchase date. Repairs made after the expiration
of the warranty period are subject to payment.
Service Great Britain
Tel.: 0871 5000 720
(0,10 GBP/Min.)
e-mail: kompernass@lidl.co.uk
IAN 93163
The packaging is wholly composed of
environmentally-friendly materials that can
be disposed of at a local recycling centre.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Parkside PSBM 500 A2 - IAN 93163

Parkside PSBM 500 A2 - IAN 93163 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Dansk, Svenska - 58 pagina's

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