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Introduction / General power tool safety warnings
1 Quick-release chuck with SDS-plus bit system
(see Fig. A)
3 Drill bits (Ø 6 / 8 / 10 mm x 150 mm) (see Fig. B)
1 Flat chisel 250 mm (see Fig. B)
1 Pointed chisel 250 mm (see Fig. B)
1 Depth stop
50 g Special grease for lubricating the chuck
1 Carrying case
1 Set of instructions for use
Technical Data
Rated input: 1050 W
Rated voltage: 230 V∼, 50 Hz
Idle speed: n
0–980 rpm
BPM: 0–5300 rpm
Impact energy: 3 joules
Max. bore diameter: max. 13 mm in steel
max. 32 mm in wood
max. 26 mm in concrete
Protection class: II /
Noise emission value:
Measured sound value determined according to
EN 60745. The A-rated noise levels of the electrical
power tool are typically at:
Hammer drilling:
Sound pressure level: L
: 83.66 dB(A)
Uncertainty K: 3 dB(A)
Sound power level: L
: 94.66 dB(A)
Uncertainty K: 3 dB(A)
Sound pressure level: L
: 90.62 dB(A)
Uncertainty K: 3 dB(A)
Sound power level: L
: 101.62 dB(A)
Uncertainty K: 3 dB(A)
Wear hearing protection!
Vibration total value:
The total vibration (vector sum of three directions) is
calculated in accordance with EN 60745:
Hammer drilling
into Concrete: a
= 8.527 m / s
K = 1.5 m / s
Chiselling: a
= 11.293 m / s
K = 1.5 m / s
The vibration level specified in
these instructions was measured in accordance with
an EN 60745 standardised measurement process
and can be used to compare equipment. The vibra-
tion emission value specified can also serve as a
preliminary assessment of the exposure.
The vibrati
on level may change with the application
of the tool and in some cases may be higher than
the value specified in these instructions. Regularly
using the electric tool in such a way may make it
easy to underestimate the vibration.
Note: If you wish to make an accurate assessment
of the vibration loads experienced during a particu-
lar period of work, you should also take into account
the intervening periods of time when the device is
switched off or is running but is not actually in use.
This can clearly reduce the vibration load through-
out the work period.
General power tool
safety warnings
Read all safety
warnings and all instructions.
Failure to follow the warnings and in-
structions may result in electric shock, fire and / or
serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for
future reference.
The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to your
mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-op-
erated (cordless) power tool.

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