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Explanation of terms
ª Automatic white balance
White balance adjustment recognises the colour
of light and adjusts so the white colour will
become a pure white. The movie camera
determines the hue of light that comes through
the lens and white balance sensor, thereby
judging the recording condition, and selects the
closest hue setting. This is called automatic white
balance adjustment. However, since the movie
camera only stores white colour information
under several light sources, automatic white
balance adjustment does not function normally
under the other light sources.
Outside of the effective range of automatic white
balance adjustment, the image will become
reddish or bluish. Even within the effective range
of automatic white balance adjustment, the
automatic white balance adjustment may not
function properly if there is more than one light
source. For light outside the functional auto white
balance adjustment range, use the manual white
balance adjustment mode.
1) The effective range of automatic white
balance adjustment on this movie camera
2) Blue sky
3) TV screen
4) Cloudy sky (rain)
5) Sunlight
6) White fluorescent lamp
7) 2 hours after sunrise or before sunset
8) 1 hour after sunrise or before sunset
9) Halogen light bulb
10) Incandescent light bulb
11) Sunrise or sunset
12) Candlelight
White balance
The image recorded by the movie camera may
become bluish or reddish under the influence of
light sources. To avoid such phenomena, adjust
the white balance.
White balance adjustment determines the white
colour under different light sources. By
recognizing which is the white colour under
sunlight and which is the white colour under a
fluorescent lamp, the movie camera can adjust
the balance among the other colours.
Since white colour is the reference of all colours
(light), the movie camera can record pictures in a
natural hue if it can recognise the reference white
Auto focus
Auto focus automatically moves the focusing lens
forward and backward inside the movie camera to
bring the subject into focus.
Auto focus has the following characteristics.
Adjusts so that the vertical lines of a subject are
seen more clearly.
Attempts to bring an object with higher contrast
into focus.
Focuses on the screen centre only.
Due to these characteristics, auto focus does not
work correctly in the following situations. Record
pictures in the manual focus mode.
Recording a subject with one end located
closer to the movie camera and the other end
farther away from it
As auto focus adjusts at the centre of an
image, it may be impossible to focus on a
subject that is located in both the foreground
and background.
Recording a subject behind dirty or dusty
The subject behind the glass will not be
focused because the focus is on the dirty glass.
Recording a subject that is surrounded by
objects with glossy surfaces or by highly
reflective objects
The recording subject may become blurry
because the movie camera focuses on the
objects with glossy surfaces or on highly
reflective objects.
Recording a subject in dark surroundings
The movie camera cannot focus correctly
because the light information that comes
through the lens decreases considerably.
Recording a fast-moving subject
As the focus lens-inside moves mechanically,
it cannot keep up with a fast-moving subject.
Recording a subject with little contrast
A subject with little contrast, such as a white
wall, may become blurry because the movie
camera achieves focus based upon the
vertical lines of an image.
10 000K
9 000K
8 000K
7 000K
6 000K
5 000K
4 000K
3 000K
2 000K
1 000K
LSQT1174ENG.book 46 ページ 2007年1月29日 月曜日 午後1時28

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