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ª Lock Setting
The Lock Setting carried out by this Movie
Camera is only effective for this Movie Camera.
The SD Memory Card has a write protection
switch on it. If the switch is moved to the [LOCK]
side, you cannot write to or format the Card. If it
is moved back, you can.
The MPEG4 data recorded by another Movie
Camera may not be able to cancel the lock
Cautions for Use
ª After Use
1 Take out the Cassette. (-12-)
2 Set the [OFF/ON/MODE] Switch to [OFF].
3 Take out the Card. (-38-)
4 Detach the power supply and retract the
Viewfinder or the LCD Monitor. (
-9-, -12-)
5 To protect the Lens, attach the supplied
Lens Cap.
ª Cautions for Use
When you use your Movie Camera in a rainy
or snowy day or on a beach, make sure that
no water enters inside the Movie Camera.
Water may cause the Movie Camera or
Cassette to malfunction. (Irreparable failure
may occur.)
If sea water splashes onto the Movie Camera,
wet a soft cloth with tap water, wring it well, and
use it to wipe the camera body carefully. Then,
wipe it again thoroughly with a soft dry cloth.
Keep the Movie Camera away from
magnetized equipment (such as a microwave
oven, TV, video game equipment, etc.).
If you use the Movie Camera on or near a TV,
images or sounds may be disturbed due to
electromagnetic wave radiation.
Do not use near a cell phone because doing so
may cause noise to adversely affect the picture
and sound.
By strong magnetic fields created by speakers
or large motors, recording on the tape may be
damaged, or images may be distorted.
Electromagnetic wave radiation generated by a
microprocessor may adversely affect the Movie
Camera, causing the disturbance of images and
If the Movie Camera is affected by magnetically
charged equipment and does not function
properly, turn off the Movie Camera power and
detach the Battery or AC Adaptor and then
connect the Battery or AC Adaptor again.
Thereafter, turn on the Movie Camera power.
Do not use your Movie Camera near radio
transmitters or high-voltage lines.
If you record pictures near radio transmitters or
high-voltage lines, recorded images or sounds
may be adversely affected.
Do not use this Movie Camera for surveillance
purpose or other business use.
If you use the Movie Camera for a long period of
time, the internal temperature increases and,
consequently, this may cause malfunction.
This Movie Camera is not intended for business
When you use your Movie Camera on a beach
or similar place, do not let sand or fine dust
get into the Movie Camera.
Sand or dust may damage the Movie Camera or
Cassette. (Care should be taken when inserting
and removing the Cassette.)
Do not spray insecticides or volatile
chemicals onto the Movie Camera.
If the Movie Camera is sprayed with such
chemicals, the camera body may be deformed
and the surface finish may peel off.
Do not keep rubber or plastic product in contact
with the Movie Camera for a long period of time.
Do not use benzine, thinner or alcohol for
cleaning the Movie Camera.
The camera body may be deformed and the
surface finish may peel off.
Before cleaning, detach the Battery or pull out
the AC Mains Lead from the AC mains socket.
Wipe the Movie Camera with a soft dry cloth. To
remove stubborn stains, wipe with a cloth that is
soaked in a detergent diluted with water and
afterward finish wiping with a dry cloth.
For storing or transporting the Movie Camera,
place it in a bag or case lined with soft pads so
as to prevent the coating on the camera body
from being worn.
After use, be sure to take the Cassette out and
detach the Battery from the Movie Camera or
pull out the AC Mains Lead from AC mains
If the Cassette is left in the Movie Camera, the
tape sags and deteriorates.
If the Battery is left on the Movie Camera for a
long time, the voltage drops excessively, and
the Battery will not function even after it is
50B-ENG.book 61 ページ 2003年1月17日 金曜日 午後5時29分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NVGS50EG

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 78 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 152 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 152 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS50EG Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português, Espanõl - 148 pagina's

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