Pagina terug
Pagina verder
- 2 -
Before Use
Care of the camera ...................................5
Standard Accessories ...............................6
Names and Functions of Main Parts.........7
About the Lens........................................13
Changing the Lens..................................14
Attaching the Shoulder Strap ..................17
Charging the Battery...............................18
• Charging ...........................................18
• Approximate operating time and
number of recordable pictures..........20
Inserting and Removing the Card (optional)/
the Battery...............................................23
About the Card........................................24
• About cards that can be used with
this unit .............................................24
Approximate number of recordable
pictures and available recording time
Setting Date/Time (Clock Set).................27
Selecting the Recording Mode................29
Tips for taking good pictures...................31
• Detects orientation of camera
(Direction Detection Function) ..........31
Taking a Still picture................................32
• How to set focus when taking a still
picture (AFS/AFF/AFC).....................32
• Taking a Still picture..........................35
• Taking pictures using the Touch
Shutter function.................................36
• Switching the Information Displayed
on the recording screen....................37
Taking Pictures using the Automatic Function
(Intelligent Auto Mode) ............................39
• Recording using Intelligent Auto
Plus Mode.........................................42
Taking Pictures with Defocus Control
Taking Pictures with Your Favorite
Settings (Program AE Mode) ..................45
Recording Motion Pictures......................47
• How to set focus when recording a
motion picture (Continuous AF) ........47
• Recording Motion Pictures................48
• Recording still pictures while
recording motion pictures..................50
Playing Back Pictures/Motion Pictures
• Playing Back Pictures .......................51
• Changing the information displayed
on the playback screen.....................55
• Playing Back Motion Pictures............56
• Creating Still Pictures from a Motion
Deleting Pictures .....................................59
Setting the Menu .....................................61
• Setting menu items ...........................62
Setting the Quick Menu...........................64
About the Setup Menu.............................66
Optical Image Stabilizer ..........................74
Using the zoom .......................................76
• Zooming using touch operations .......77
Taking Pictures using the Built-in Flash
• Switching to the appropriate flash
setting ...............................................79
Compensating the Exposure...................83
Taking Pictures using Burst Mode...........84
Taking Pictures using Auto Bracket ........86
Taking Pictures with the Self-timer..........89
Taking Pictures with Auto Focus.............91
Taking Pictures with Manual Focus.........97
Fixing the Focus and the Exposure
(AF/AE Lock).........................................101
Adjusting the White Balance .................103
Setting the Light Sensitivity...................108

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic DMC-GX1

Panasonic DMC-GX1 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-GX1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 225 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-GX1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 225 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-GX1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-GX1 Snelstart handleiding - English - 56 pagina's

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