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Before cleaning, be sure to cut off the power and unplug the plug.
Cleaning of water tank(once evey 2-3 weeks)
Screw off the water tank cover, wipe off the scale and rinse with water.
Cleaning of sink(once a week)
If there is scale in the sink and transducer, put a little cleanser of humidifier in it, cleanning it after 30
External cleaning of humidifier
Rinse the soft cloth in warm water of below 40, wipe off the surface stain.The spray nozzle can be
flushed with water directly.
Srotage of humidifier
When the unit will not be used for a long time, clean and dry the unit, store it at a dry place in the
original package.
Voltage: AC 220V , Power: 30W
Current: 0,6A
Water tank capacity: 4L
Effective range: 20~40 m
Mist capacity: 300ml/h
Noise: 35dB
Protection against electric shock: Class II
Digital LED display
Timer setting
Two modes (AUTO and MANUAL)
Length of power cord: 1.5m
NW/GW: 1.62kg/1.93kg
Product size:19*18*29cm
Gift box size: 24*22*32cm
Color: Black and White
CAUTION: DO NOT attempt to repair the motor or nebulizer yourself. If the humidifier continues to not operate
please call our service center (see toll free number below).
Troubles Method of dismissing
The Power Indicator Lamp is off, without
wind or fog.
Connect the plug into the socket.
Turn on the switch On/Off.
The Power Indicator Lamp is on, winding
but without fog.
Lack of water. Fill water into the Tank
The Sensor dobber has not been pressed
tightly. Press the dobber tightly.
The Power Indicator Lamp is on but
without wind or fog
The water into the flume is too high. Spill out
some water and make the cover of the Tank
Strange smell with fog.
New machine. Clean the Tank and re-fill the
clean water.
The water is dirty. Clean the Tank and re-fill
the clean water.
Small rated fog
The transducer is dirty. Clean it.
The water is not clean. Change the water
with the clean one.
Strange noise
The water tank do not placed properly. Set
the water tank properly.
The water in the water tank is too little to
make noise. Add some water.

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