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We really believe you will get the greatest pleasure from using this device for the years!
Please, read the user’s guide in detail before first using of this ultrasonic humidifier
- Please, read the safety instructions before first use of this ultrasonic humidifier.
- Make sure,device’s voltage suits to local mains voltage.
- Place the humidifier at the level and firm location, to keep the it firm..
- Keep the humidifier away from the stoves or the other heat source, and do not expose it at the sunshine
- Keep the humidifier away from the other Home Appliance, to avoid the mist spray to the Home
Appliance directly, and then make it moisten.
- When the humidifier is working, please do not touch the water in the Flume or any component under the
- Do not let the humidifier work when there have no water in the Flume.
- Do not use harware to scrape the transducer.
- If there is exceptional noice or smell, please turn off the the switch and pull out the power plug. If need
repairing,it must repair by the professional person.
- Do not let the water get into the Base, it will damage the other inner part.
- Do not let the detergent into mouth and eyes, avoid to let the child touch detergent.
- Do not disassemble the pedestal of main body for repair or adjustment by yourself.
- If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the professional person.
- Please turn off and pull out the plug before clean or move the humidifier.
- Do not touch the plug with the wet hand, it will occur danger.
- This machine only suits for water and its max water capability is: 3,9l.
- A warning of risk of scalding by steam.
- Advice to unplug the appliance during filling and cleaning.
- I the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the professional person.
1. Power/Humidity light indicator.
2. Waterless light indicator.
3. Mist output adjustment.
4. Cute design to the out-look.
5. Mechanical control.
6. Humidified by ultrasonic with high frequency vibratory.
7. Use the shaded pole motor and the advanced design for anti-noise airway to make it runs quite
8. Safe to use. Self power off when waterless.
9. Mist spray unit constructed with china and titanium alloy, increase its life time.
10. Use antibiotic engineering plastics, anti-fungus, anti-bacteria.
11. Easy to clean.
1. Unscrew the water tank cap, fill the water tank with cold and clean water (do not use the hot water).
Then screw tight the cap, locate the water tank on the pedestal stably.
2. Connect the plug to power 220V/50Hz.
3. Turn on the switch On/Off, the Power Indicator will light.
4. Turn on the mist adjustment button by clockwise.
5. Adjustment of the mist amount of humidifier, screw the mist adjustment button, it’s convenient to
adjust to the mist amount.
6. When the Tank lack of water, the inner safety equipment will cut of the power automatically, the
Waterless indicator will turn on.

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